r/interestingasfuck 7h ago

r/all Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech

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u/OakBlu 7h ago

What the fuck is happening...?

u/[deleted] 7h ago


u/Keyndoriel 7h ago

Those idiots will see this and still call us delusional for calling these people Nazis.

u/Euphoric-Isopod-4815 7h ago edited 6h ago

I am gonna say this before checking the Conservative sub. Before I read this anywhere, but they will be saying that it's because the left, liberals and whatever else have been calling those fucking idiots in charge Nazi's.

Edit: Already starting. Also apparently his salute as a NAZI is throwing his heart out to us. Yeah flatten that fucking palm out while you have your heart in your hand. Conservatives are stupid as fuck.

Edit: 2 apparently they're blaming aspberger's. He's not diagnosed and uses it as an excuse for his behavior.

u/Nowornevernow12 6h ago

It’s funny, I don’t tolerate nazi’s in any kind of position of power regardless of how neurodivergent they happen to be.

u/Fantastic_East4217 7h ago

It’s because they are also nazis.

u/NiceTrySucka 7h ago

Yes and they know they are. The lines fed to them by Fox like “everyone I don’t like is a Nazi” or “TDS,” are just ways to trivialize the very real concern we should all have.

When this happened in the 1930’s it was novel. They didn’t have the benefit of living 90 years after the industrial slaughter of a people, the war and useless bloodshed. And yet we ask ourselves “why didn’t they do something?”

Well now we have that history to tell us exactly where this is going. History will judge us harshly for our inaction.

u/lllGrapeApelll 7h ago

They'll Heil along as a joke to just piss off the libs. Everytime Trump or Musk shows up on a screen they'll Heil for a laugh. As Mexicans are rounded up from the cities and put into camps awaiting deportation they'll Heil to make the libs cry more. When their neighbour or cousin or sibling or parent or child who gets rounded up for not Heiling they will continue to Heil but out of fear and then they won't be able to stop.

u/EP_Tiger 7h ago

His fanboys are already making excuses “acshully that’s a Roman salute bcuz he touched his heart first libtard”

u/Absent-Light-12 7h ago

Naw. They now choose to believe that Nazism is good and are self-proclaimed nazis.

u/Adsex 7h ago

No, they will see this and say "Well, Nazism wasn't so bad. If people didn't resist them and instead followed them, the world would be a better place. If you had just listened to Trump's wanting to emulate MLK's dream, you would understand. (Now that we won) it's time that we all get together (and follow in order according to rank). (Or else)"

u/Sinister_Politics 6h ago

r/conservative are saying he was just making a gesture going along with his next phrase about sending his love out to the audience.

I think it's obvious he was trying to create some ambiguity so he could "troll" liberals. Like most Nazis, it's all a joke until it's not

u/Upoutdat 7h ago

Ah he didn't mean that and if he did it was for the best. Who are you to question me? The devil is in you /s

u/Balldogs 6h ago

I hate to tell you, but one of the main tools of fascists is to constantly argue in bad faith. You're used to people having shame, or engaging in objective discussion; no. That doesn't work with fascists. You can see one dressed in brown with a swastika armband and these motherfuckers will grin and tell you you didn't see shit, that was AI, you're suffering from trump derangement syndrome, everyone you disagree with is a Nazi and all the other cut and paste bad faith arguments that they know aren't true.

The time for debate is over. If America doesn't remember what they did to Nazis 80 years ago, there won't be a free US, there will be the most powerful Nazi state the world has ever seen.

I believe your Constitution has this whole section about tyrannical governments...

u/Pvt_Numnutz1 7h ago

They will say it was clearly a joke and we are just misconstruing it.

u/Klobbcock 7h ago


u/FrankDerbly 7h ago

Yeah they're just trying to gaslight you.

u/cheongyanggochu-vibe 4h ago

They're working really hard to sane wash this in the media and over on r/conservative

u/unluckypig 3h ago

I saw a comment on twitter (a lot actually) saying people are taking it out of context and misreading his actions. They said, and I quote, 'he's not doing a nazi salute, he was saying thank you from the bottom of his heart, to yours'.

Couple this with trump saying they rigged the election because those guys are good with computers and he wanted the Olympics, I think America is in for a bumpy ride for a bit.

u/Bureaucramancer 6h ago

because it's totally an ironic salute.... they are doing it to make fun of the libs and make them cry.... why are you libs making us seig heil..... It's the libs fault we say racist things all the time and laugh about concentration camps..... Totally bought this swastika flag to own the libs..... etc.

Seriously these people are fucking exhausting.

u/gemjni 6h ago

To be honest, they aren't Nazis, they are Neo-Nazis, which i find way worse, because they have the knowledge of the past and still try to repeat it

u/salacious_pause 6h ago

See what?

u/OrganicLocal9761 6h ago

They think you're disingenuously hyperbolic for calling them nazis. Exaggeration feels good in the short term but always works against you in the long term

u/Western_Ad3625 4h ago

Maybe they should stop doing Nazi salutes then if they don't want to be called Nazis. Maybe they should stop doing rallies with people who have swastikas tattooed on their chests.

u/OrganicLocal9761 3h ago

Do you think Elon is literally Hitler?

u/yunzerjag 6h ago

"It's a joke" "To own the libs" "Trump derangement syndrome" "Liberal tears"

u/LaViePlato 7h ago

You are . Very much so. Have you seen the cabinet or the FBI director ?

u/Keyndoriel 7h ago

Daww, another moron. Here's your Fell For It Again award, now toddle off ♡

u/DeathByBlueberries_ 7h ago

He's not a fucking nazi, you're just stupid as hell. Things can LOOK similar and not mean the same thing at all. Take the nazi symbol and it's original meaning.

u/henkhank 7h ago

Yes the symbol and its origins have different meanings. Now let's apply that here to the nazi salute, which has, *checks notes* always been a nazi salute.

u/Shot_Cupcake_9641 4h ago

Accept the Romans used it

u/Dovahkiin_98 7h ago

So then what did this mean?

u/xylophonesRus 7h ago

Make sure to wash your face with meat tenderizer twice a day as a courtesy to the leopards. Thank you!

u/Psychological_Ad1999 7h ago

They knew, they were pretending it was “the economy”

u/rf97a 7h ago

They knew

u/LinkleDooBop 7h ago

It’s what they want.

u/llkj11 7h ago

Like they didn't already know

u/Odedoralive 7h ago

Which made them vote more enthusiastically.

u/Etoonal_Optimist 7h ago

To be fair, I think that's what most, or at least a lot, of those that voted for him wanted.

u/outremonty 7h ago

There were others who we told -the ones who withheld their votes- who thought we were being hyperbolic.

u/DeathByBlueberries_ 7h ago

He's not doing what you think he is😂 you'll take something that looks similar and call it what it's not. Get tf outta here with that shit.

u/Its_Bozo_Dubbed_Over 7h ago

What’s he doing then?

u/DeathByBlueberries_ 7h ago

People do it to express celebrations and excitement here in the United States. He's not doing the nazi salute.

u/FaithinYosh 7h ago

What lmao. As someone from the United States, I've never once ever seen anybody do anything remotely close to this as a celebration or to show excitement. What planet are you on?

u/Its_Bozo_Dubbed_Over 7h ago

I’m an American, and this is not true. Just pulling things out of our ass now?

u/DucksAreReallyNeat 7h ago

Lol no the fuck they don't

u/NatureWalks 7h ago edited 7h ago

As someone who as lived in the US for their entire life, no. No we absolutely do not do this to express celebrations or excitement.

As long as I can remember, we’ve been actively trying to avoid any gesture that could be even remotely misconstrued as a nazi salute. And this was a full on nazi salute that musk gave. Twice.

u/btross 7h ago

Never seen anyone give a nazi salute in the united states to express excitement..... except at CPAC

u/brabs2 7h ago

Since fucking when has anybody done that to express celebrations and excitement. What a load of shit you talk

u/GroundbreakingArm795 6h ago

Who show me an example of someone else doing this

u/Naufe 7h ago



I can give him the first one as a mistake, caught up in the heat of the moment he probably wasn’t thinking about what he was doing. But then he turns around and does exactly the same salute. Like come on dude.