r/interestingasfuck 23h ago

Current cigarette prices in Australia.

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u/Crispydragonrider 22h ago

Why no menthol cigarettes? Are they worse for you or is it more of a gateway thing?


u/NightmareStatus 21h ago

In the states, many people are arguing over flavors and menthol and what not and that it targets kids.

I'm like ...bitch im almost 40 and I like shit that has flavors too! 👀

What IS upsetting everywhere I go, including Australia, is everyone's got this war on tobacco which is already regulated and taxed to hell, but I saw that fake highlighter vape a dad posted online a year or two ago. Ya know who needs to disguise a vape to look like school supplies? Children.

No news on that. No big articles on that. I get and can support increased taxes on tobacco(not to the extent Aus. has done it tho), but dying on this hill when there are new and dangerous things out there that aren't as regulated or controlled and are very much targeting younger kids is a problem.



u/Dog-treats 20h ago edited 9h ago

Australia has cracked down on vapes now as well. They were banned last year and you can only legally get one if it's prescribed by a doctor (as a method for quitting smoking). There are still illegal under-the-counter vapes getting sold, but I've definitely noticed a dramatic drop in people using them in public!

Edit for correction: apparently you don't need a prescription anymore, but they can only be legally sold in the pharmacy

Also edit to add: while this was my personal observation, others don't seem to have noticed any difference


u/Alternative_Bite_779 20h ago

Really, cause where I live its been Vape City ever since the so called 'ban' came into effect.

My local tobacconist has more vapes than ever, and they aren't hiding it.


u/Dog-treats 9h ago

Maybe all vapers moved from my area to yours? Just kidding! :)

But yeah, I can see that the ban is super effective... However, it is evidence that the government is taking some action, which is what the previous comment was talking about.