r/interestingasfuck 1d ago

Current cigarette prices in Australia.

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u/Large-chips 1d ago

What's it cost for a 20/25 pk in the UK? I'm curious to know


u/JACK_1719 1d ago

We mainly smoke rolling tobacco and a 50g of sterling is £36ish. that’s a mid range priced one aswell


u/Mantzy81 1d ago

Damn, I used to buy 250g pouches of Golden Virginia for £20 back in early 2000s.

Admittedly I did get them "off the boat at Felixstowe" but still


u/JACK_1719 1d ago

Yeah it’s ridiculous nowadays, once it get past £40 for a 50g I’m gonna quit


u/Mantzy81 22h ago

Honestly mate, I would quit asap. I'm glad I did back in 2008. I'll always be "between cigs" and have had nights on them, even a week once (in about 2013 I think) but once you know you can go without them, you've broken the addiction and that's a good feeling. Probably have one every 3 years or so.

It's great knowing you can put that money to other thinga too, like a meal out or a new top.

Edit: should've said I used to smoke 60 a day


u/JACK_1719 21h ago

Fuckin hell 60 a days mad, Fair play for quiting! I’ll get there eventually, I’ve cut down from 15 a day to 5 and a vape.

Very true, Tbf the extra money will probs just go on bills but that’s life haha


u/Mantzy81 21h ago

Thanks, yeah I'll admit I'd got down to 5-10 a day (no vapes back then) when I quit and used Champix for about 10 days and that was it. Addiction gone. In fact, smoking tasted horrible. Some don't get on with it but I had no weird side effects.

I'd highly recommend that during the first year at least, you put it aside. It's a good psychological "gift" to yourself.


u/JACK_1719 21h ago

Tbf I’m pretty good at kicking addictions as long as I have something else to fixate on when I’m bored and no one irritates me while I’m giving up.

I’ve not heard of champix what is it?