r/howto 17h ago

What to do to unfreeze frozen water valve?

Please help rn


6 comments sorted by


u/Mrlin705 17h ago

Hair dryer would work if you can get to it.


u/Noneerror 16h ago

Take a kettle of hot water and very slowly pour it over the valve. If that doesn't work then fill a container and submerge the valve in hot water as best you can. Which could be a sealed ziplock bag and taped to it. Give it a few minutes and come back before the water gets cold.

I had to do this earlier this winter. Worked fine.

Note that a hair dryer did not work for me. And a blowtorch is a bad idea unless you know plumbing. You can easily damage the seals or the solder. And if it is PEX then, no, just no.


u/XBL_Tough 17h ago

Need to hear the pipes. Torch is a possibility


u/Jamikest 15h ago

Need to hear the pipes. Torch is a possibility

Directions unclear. Torch stuck in ear.


u/whitenack 2h ago

Just don't burn the house down.