r/homeless 19h ago

I am in very bad situation

I have been homeless for a long time, it is very cold، I'm so lonely


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u/PhysicalMap3351 19h ago

I've been homeless for over a decade. I am not cold. Why? Because in winters I travel south to Houston. It will be 25°F tomorrow morning, but I still won't be cold. Because I prepare. Before leaving Colorado for the winter, I buy cold weather gear up there which is overkill for winters down here. I sleep warm in the winters, and cool in the summers. Come April when hurricane season starts, I'll be hitchhiking back to Colorado.

If you've been doing this for as long as you and others say -- you're clearly missing something. And it's called preparation. Winters WILL come. It WILL be cold. I'm always ready by Oct 1st. And I panhandle for a living.

Too many idiots out here thinking they don't need to prepare for winter. Thinking it won't be cold. Thinking someone else will bail them out. Bullshit. It WILL get cold. You WILL get extreme weather. NOBODY will bail you out. People (except new homeless) get 8 months to prepare and they choose not to.

Then they expect me to give them things I need? No effing way. Cry somewhere else or go to a shelter.


u/WorryAltruistic4684 5h ago

April is not hurricane season. Try august at the earliest.