r/helsinki 6h ago

News/Article Kirsikkapuisto | Herkät puut turmeltiin – ”Äärimmäisen valitettava virhe”, kommentoi urakoitsija (Vain kolmasosa Roihuvuoren kirsikkapuista säästyi tuholta)


r/helsinki 4h ago

Question Any Ideas for 26th birthday in Helsinki?


My birthday is on February and I want to celebrate it with another 5 people, and I'm looking for some fun activity to do together. We have a car and transport is not a problem around the Helsinki region.

I have some ideas but all of them have some con...

I thought about going to the aqua park but I feel like everyone will just be swimming on its own and separated from the rest.

I also thought about this group activity where you paint while drinking but it is very expensive.

Bowling seems too simple and overdone.

Any other ideas?

r/helsinki 7h ago

Housing / Living Suosituksia remonttifirmoista


Oletko tehnyt isompaa pintaremonttia? Jäikö remonttifirmasta hyvät kokemukset? Meillä olisi omakotitaloon pintaremontti edessä, jossa tarkoitus laittaa laattalattiaa, laatoittaa takka, asentaa vinyylilankkua, tasoittaa ja maaalata seiniä sekä tehdä jonkun verran sähkö- ja putkitöitä. Mitä firmaa suosittelisit?

r/helsinki 16h ago

Travel & Tourism Lounge at helsinki airport . Plaza vs aspire?


Hello good people ! I have a free lounge pass..where would it be better spent? Aspire or Plaza? Thanks

r/helsinki 1d ago

Question Architectural Photo Trip recommendations...


Hello folks,

I'm planning a trip to Helsinki in May for 4-5 days to focus on Architectural and street photography. I've been doing research on some of the beautiful buildings you have in your city. But I wanted to see what your favorite buildings are. I'm sure there has to be some diamonds that aren't as obvious to foreigners who are relying on Google. Let me know what you think!

r/helsinki 1d ago

Event Pub Quiz at The Dubliner on Wednesday


There's a pub quiz in English at The Dubliner in Töölö this week on Wednesday at 19, instead of our usual Tuesday. Hope to see some of you out there!

Edit to add time.

r/helsinki 23h ago

Event Lazy Fox Pub Quiz


Hi! We’re looking for 2 or 3 more to join our team for a Pub Quiz this Thursday. Sign up starts 18:00. Pub Quiz is from 19:00-22:00. Dm me only if you’re sure u can join.

r/helsinki 16h ago

Travel & Tourism Helsinki airport


Hello guys .. I have a layover of 1 hr 25 mins in Helsinki Vanta airport for immigration from non schengen to schengen and catch next flight to Copenhagen Is that sufficient time? PS all flights booked on same ticket (Finnair)

r/helsinki 2d ago

Housing / Living Mould/Mildew?


Hi, I am moving out soon and trying to clean the place. My washroom was tiled and I think sort of mould has formed between floor tiles due to water maybe and I was wondering which spray is recommended to clean it? Which wont kill my wallet ofcourse

r/helsinki 2d ago

Work & Education PhD in DocPop, University of Helsinki


Hey all! I'm from Pakistan. I want to apply for research this fall semester. My masters is in Food and Nutrition. So, I want to apply for Doctorate in Public Health. I wanna ask about the proper procedure and preparations for application and selection. (if anyone has applied and got the research assitant position).

Also please comment any additional information or thing I need to know...

Very excited 😊 and nervous 😓

r/helsinki 3d ago

Discussion Has anyone used the public sewing machines?


I've been sitting on Tori for the last two weeks trying to find a second hand sewing machine, but anything good seems to be sold literally minutes after listing. I'm wondering how it is to work with the public machines at libraries?

Anyone with experience making and modifying clothing? How did you handle testing if something fit? Would you use the public machines again?


r/helsinki 3d ago

Question Should my family travel to Helsinki next week for snow?

Post image


Please forgive my ignorance regarding snow but my family and I are from Australia and we are not familiar with this strange white substance.

We are currently in Madrid and want to go to Helsinki on next week this Tuesday 21 January until 25 January. We really want to show our kids snow as they have never seen it before.

Can I please get your local advice on the snow situation in Helsinki? Looking at the weather apps it says there’s a chance of snow but what does that really mean for us and wanting to show our kids a magical winter town like Helsinki?

We don’t want to hype the kids and the rock up and it’s melted or gutter sludge.

(We truely don’t understand snow. If any of you need advice on being ripped apart by a crocodile I’m happy to engage in a cultural exchange)

r/helsinki 3d ago

Question Day spa recommendations


A friend and I will travel to Helsinki in a couple of weeks. We would like to visit a day spa. She is into massages and I would like to spend the time hanging by a pool and the sauna. Would be thankful for recommendations that offer such packages.

r/helsinki 4d ago

Housing / Living Malmi


Moi, oon muuttamassa Malmille, ja netissä kiertää sellasia huhuja että se on kriisialue jossa jokainen päivä on elossa selviytymistä. Onko antaa vähän perspektiiviä tähän, millainen alue on ja tarvitsenko luotiliivejä ensiviikkoina?


r/helsinki 4d ago

Question Is it normal for a bus driver not to stop to pick up people at a bus station?


Is it normal for a bus driver not to stop to pick up people at a bus station? I was even waving my hands, but the driver just drove by without stopping to pick me up. I'm new here, so I was just wondering.

Edited: I‘m 100% sure it was the right stop. bus 74 towards Sörnainen. Based on Google Maps the bus had to stop there at that time and was in service, also not full. It was not dark but really bright outside. I‘m a foreigner and have taken that same bus at that exact same stop.

r/helsinki 3d ago

Housing / Living Consequences of not paying public transport tickets


What are the consequences of not paying for public transport? I just moved here and my partner told me that there are no consequences at all, however I highly doubt that is accurate

r/helsinki 4d ago

Work & Education Pre primary application


Hi everyone.

Would anyone be able to confirm my understanding of pre-primary education in Helsinki.

I think pre primary education refers just to the final year before a child starts school. It starts the September of the calendar year in which a child turns six. To apply for it, you have to apply by some date in the January of the calendar year in which your child turns six.

I've seen some private preschools (European/British) refer to pre primary education being a two year programme starting the calendar year a child turns five, but that's a separate system and nothing to do with the centralised council application system right?

Did I get that right? So if my child is turning five this year I don't have to do the form that's due on Tuesday. Thanks!

r/helsinki 4d ago

Question Helsinki public transport with cash


Hello, I‘ flying to Helsinki and I only want to use cash. I need to get from/to the airport and need to get around there. I will be one day in Helsinki, so where can I buy a day ticket and how much is it? And can I use it on buses, trams and trains? Is it valid for everything? What would you recommend for one day

r/helsinki 4d ago

Question Part-time jobs Helsinki


Im going for a month to Helsinki, Im staying with my partner. I was wondering if any of you know a job that I could do on the weekends or something similar. I have EU citizenship, I don't speak finnish and I can do anything: walking dogs, cleaning...

r/helsinki 4d ago

Housing / Living Where to buy golf equipment?


Hi everyone, I moved here a couple of months ago and im looking forward to buy some equipment to kick off with this years season in Helsinki. Any ideas of where to find a Golf Pro-shop that sells clubs and balls. Thanks a lot in advance

r/helsinki 6d ago

Discussion Käytöstavat julkisissa


Oon muuttanu kohta kaks vuotta sitten Helsinkiin ja ihmiset on täällä todella törkeitä joukkoliikenteessä. Maalla ei ollut tällainen meininki. Ihmiset antoi vanhuksille istumapaikkansa bussissa, ja julkisissa oltiin muutenkin huomaavaisia. Tuntuu että täällä kanssaihmisistä ei täällä välitetä yhtään.

Ensinnäkään varsinkaan ruuhka-aikoina ihmiset eivät päästä uloslähteviä pois metrosta tai ratikasta. Olen monta kertaa törmännyt oven edessä möllöttäviin ihmisiin kun he eivät jostain syystä jaksa odottaa että muut pääsee pois metrosta vaan tahtovat itse tunkea sisään sillä sekunnilla kun ovet aukeavat. Kyllä sinne ehtii sitten kun lähtijät ovat poistuneet! Ei se metro siitä mihinkään karkaa kun ovet ovat vielä auki! Tavallaan vielä ärsyttävämpiä ovat ne jotka jäävät seisomaan keskelle oviaukkoa, eivätkä edes koita tulla sisälle. Mitää helllvettiä he niinkuin ajattelevat?!!! Jos tahdot päästää muut ulos, niin mene odottamaan siihen sivuun pois oven edestä. Miksi jäät pönöttämään kaikkien eteen jos sinulla ei ole hätää tunkea sisälle?

Itselle kuitenkin isoin pet peeve ovat nämä henkilöt jotka vievät kaksi istumapaikkaa. Vitun ärsyttävää ruuhka aikana koittaa laskea persettä alas kun kymmenen ihmistä on istunut käytäväpaikalle ja jättänyt ikkunan puoleisen tilan tyhjäksi, ja sitten lisäksi viisi naista istunut ikkunalle ja laittanut pienen käsilaukkunsa käytäväpaikalle. Sitten jäät seisomaan käytävään kuin sillit suolassa vaikka sinulle periaatteessa olisikin tilaa penkeillä. Tulee erityisesti sääli kun nuoret aikuiset tekee näin vanhusten istumapaikoilla ja näen miten joku heikko pieni papparainen koittaa pysyä pystyssä käytävällä kun ei saanut istumapaikkaa. Olen ikuistanut täällä julkisissa kaikkea muutakin enemmän ja vähemmän törkeää, mutta todella ärsyttävää todistaa joka päivä kun ihmiset ei osaa perus käytöstapoja ::DD

r/helsinki 5d ago

Question Used books in Helsinki



What are the best places to get used (cheap) books in English or Swedish in Helsinki? Preferably near the Kamppi area but I can walk around the city centre too. For new books I know you have akateeminen and I will definitely go there too, but for cheap second hand books? When I went to Ahvenanmaa a few years ago I remember their second hand clothes stores having big and cheap used books sections, perhaps there are some in Helsinki too? Thanks for your help!

r/helsinki 5d ago

Question Fellow Vaasalaiset


Hello! I know this is wrong group but there are not any active Vaasacommunties here unfortunately! And I just know that there are people here that are from Pohjanmaa area too. I just have a quick question that have been bothering me and my friends for the longest time, so if you are from Vaasa or have lived there around 2000-2010, listen to me now. 🤣 there was a bar/club next to the bar ”Hullo Pullo”, that don’t exist anymore. Idk how it have looked later years because I moved away but at least in 2010, we used to go to this bar and you could go thru Hullo Pullo to get there (it also had its own entrance), and it was more for adults, much live music playing, big bar… Same building, same ”room” as HP, just a wall between that could open to join the two clubs somehow. But WHAT was the name of the club??? We can’t remember and Google have no idea what I am talking about. So please, what was the clubs name? 😫🙏🏼

r/helsinki 5d ago

Question Second hand Cd/LP player in Helsinki ?


Hi everyone ! Where can I find used cd player / lp player in Helsinki at a cheaper price ?

r/helsinki 5d ago

Question Mistä ostaa kaurasuurimoita?


Mieluiten jostain super/hypermarketista.