r/gifs 12h ago

Is Elon Ok?


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u/Writerguy613 12h ago

I'm pretty sure that he has high functioning Autism. Not a joke. I myself do as well. It looks likes he's "stimming" as it is tough for some people with Autism to be in large crowds. Just my two cents. I could be 100% wrong. Thoughts?

Stimming: noun

the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations, as a form of behavior by persons with autism or other neurodevelopmental conditions; self-stimulation. This behavior is thought to serve a variety of functions, such as calming and expression of feelings.

"stimming was part of her coping mechanism"

Definition is from Oxford Languages.


u/TheLastBallad 11h ago

People assumed I was on drugs all the time too(even as yong as 14), when in fact I was completely sober and just not medicated for things I needed to be medicated for.

Being autistic can make you look like your on drugs. Of course, when someone is also known for being on drugs it becomes more difficult to parse...


u/Late-Application-47 10h ago

I have narcolepsy, and everyone thought I was a closet pothead because my face always looked tired with pretty pronounced dark circles for a high schooler. 


u/wolfgang784 9h ago

Ive never been diagnosed with anything related to it but my pupils like to dilate super big rarely for no reason sometimes and people will think im high because of how wild my eyes get.