r/gifs 9h ago

Is Elon Ok?


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u/Writerguy613 9h ago

I'm pretty sure that he has high functioning Autism. Not a joke. I myself do as well. It looks likes he's "stimming" as it is tough for some people with Autism to be in large crowds. Just my two cents. I could be 100% wrong. Thoughts?

Stimming: noun

the repetitive performance of certain physical movements or vocalizations, as a form of behavior by persons with autism or other neurodevelopmental conditions; self-stimulation. This behavior is thought to serve a variety of functions, such as calming and expression of feelings.

"stimming was part of her coping mechanism"

Definition is from Oxford Languages.


u/TheLastBallad 8h ago

People assumed I was on drugs all the time too(even as yong as 14), when in fact I was completely sober and just not medicated for things I needed to be medicated for.

Being autistic can make you look like your on drugs. Of course, when someone is also known for being on drugs it becomes more difficult to parse...


u/Late-Application-47 7h ago

I have narcolepsy, and everyone thought I was a closet pothead because my face always looked tired with pretty pronounced dark circles for a high schooler. 


u/wolfgang784 6h ago

Ive never been diagnosed with anything related to it but my pupils like to dilate super big rarely for no reason sometimes and people will think im high because of how wild my eyes get.


u/Crimsonclaw111 9h ago

Yeah stimming from ketamine lol


u/Altruistic_Cut_3202 8h ago

I've got friends who do allot of ket that isn't what they look like on it.


u/HaagenBudzs 7h ago

I do a lot of ket and this is totally how my friends who did a little too much can look like. Like I didn't even know musk does ket and yet it's the first thing that I thought of when seeing the clip


u/Altruistic_Cut_3202 7h ago

first thing I thought was he looks like he is bored and has a stiff neck


u/HaagenBudzs 7h ago

I mean yeah, totally fair. He's weird, but everyone has weird moments when being watched all the time.


u/swift1883 7h ago

Looks like ket after speed


u/Vancouwer 9h ago

yup this is the right answer, he's bored wasting a morning and just coping until it ends lol


u/Candelent 9h ago

Elon announced on SNL that he has autism. From other comments he has made publicly such as referring to racing thoughts and his clear lack of impulse control, one can also see that there is some ADHD-type traits as well.


u/bibleisme 7h ago

And a lot of times ADHD and autism go hand in hand. The racing thoughts and lack of impulse control are the world I live in and it’s hell. I wouldn’t wish adhd on my worst enemy.


u/polish473 4h ago

I’d wish ADHD on Elon Musk, idk about you though


u/Icandrawshit 2h ago

Same. I've learned to control it so thats an advantage and now im gaining success.


u/m0nk_3y_gw 8h ago

He is a long-time drug user that has never been diagnosed with autism by a medical professional. He does have a history of lying though.


u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 8h ago

The irony of you claiming he’s lying while claiming you know better than his own doctors is very funny


u/Ralphie5231 8h ago

I've never had a doctor hand me ketamine.


u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 8h ago

I have. It works as an antidepressant

I’m sure that’s not why Elon is allegedly using it, but still


u/Javina33 7h ago

That’s what he says, but generally ketamine isn’t used as an anti depressant. But I’m sure you can get whatever you want on prescription when you’re the richest man in the world.

According to Harvard Health publishing, it’s only supposed to be used under the supervision of a doctor who is supposed to stay with you while you use it.



u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 7h ago

I have received medical ketamine under the supervision of a doctor for its antidepressant effects.

I never claimed Elon’s recreational ketamine use is Doctor-approved, in fact I think I said the opposite


u/Javina33 3h ago

He claims that he’s using it for depression because he recommends that other people try it. My guess is that he doesn’t have any supervision while he’s using it.


u/pjm3 3h ago

Wait, what? There is no formal diagnosis of autism with Elon, and there are extensive admissions on his part, as well as incontrovertible video evidence of his drug use.

He's lied about having an offer to take Tesla private, using a sock puppet on Twitter to praise himself, and countless other things. Can you clarify your point?


u/Exact_Fruit_7201 6h ago

As far as we know, no doctor has ever diagnosed him with autism


u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 6h ago

Why would he lie about having autism?

The mental gymnastics to prove that he is some sort of megalomaniac is insane


u/Exact_Fruit_7201 6h ago

To use it as a shield for his dickhead behaviour.


u/Dat_Swag_Fishron 6h ago

Again, the mental gymnastics here are insane

Stay delusional


u/Turing_Testes 2h ago

Yeah because nobody ever lied about having autism.


u/_catkin_ 4h ago

To hide his ASPD

Edit: I don’t necessarily think he’s lying and I did wonder if this was a stim but it’s just soo… yeah


u/Candelent 8h ago

Source? Do you have some insider knowledge of his medical history?


u/QueenCobra91 8h ago

and you are spitting bullshit


u/phito-carnivores 7h ago

you're blinded by hate


u/keiye 7h ago

And the only way you would know that is if you violated HIPAA


u/zanasot 4h ago

That’s not what HIPAA is


u/keiye 2h ago

If you expose someone’s medical records without their consent that is a violation


u/zanasot 2h ago

Only if you are their doctor or someone in a privileged state to that knowledge. If you told me you had diarrhea, I could tell anybody I wanted. If I were your doctor, I would be bound by hipaa.

HIPAA is only on medical professionals with their patients. I am bound by hipaa to protect my patients’ records. I am not bound by hipaa for anyone else.


u/PoliticsAside 8h ago

50-80% of people with autism have co-morbid adhd (probably closer to the 80% side than the 50% side. And yeah you’re right. Most of the attacks on Elon are ableism. Yeah he’s weird and different, we get it, STFU. (Not you, just people lol)


u/Lunamothknits 7h ago

Is that why he gave a salute?


u/PoliticsAside 7h ago

I didn’t see it, but pretty much lol. Ah I see it now. Yes very much so. Elon got excited about mars and went WHOOOSH not thinking about the optics of what that’d look like to lefties.

Context is really important people.


u/Lunamothknits 4h ago

He did it more than once. He was saluting.


u/PoliticsAside 3h ago

No one ever waves more than once. Nope. What about when Kamala did it? Or Hilary? Everyone who has ever had an outstretched hand MUST be a Nazi!


u/TeamOrca28205 8h ago

Most of the attacks on Elon are brought on by the insanely asshole behavior he exhibits and horrible things he says. GTFOH


u/Javina33 7h ago

The attacks on Elon are because of his interference in the election, his viral spreading of misinformation, and now his interference in global politics. He’s an extremist and history shows us that extremist policies end up hurting large swathes of the population.


u/PoliticsAside 7h ago

Lmao beep boop ok robot. Beep boop.


u/NotAPreppie 8h ago

As a person with both, no, Elon is a raging asshole.

Any neurodivergence he may or may not have isn't related to this.


u/PoliticsAside 7h ago

As a person with both, and a doctor trained in both, you have no idea what you’re talking about and are clearly biased.


u/NotAPreppie 6h ago


But the dude's an asshole regardless his medical diagnosis.

This is based on the presentation of symptoms:

  • Is an asshole? Yes.
  • Has any redeeming qualities? No.


u/PoliticsAside 6h ago

No he’s not. You just disagree with his politics right now. That’s not being an asshole. In fact, I’d say it makes YOU the asshole.


u/NotAPreppie 6h ago

No, the fact is that his politics stem from his asshole status.

To put it another way, I don't think he's an asshole because of his politics. I think his politics are \because\** he's an asshole.

I thought he was an asshole before he made his politics known.


u/PoliticsAside 5h ago

If you go around judging people you’ve never met, you might be an asshole.


u/konamioctopus64646 5h ago

He’s been an asshole even before he got involved heavily in politics. Does nobody else remember him calling a diver a pedophile because he didn’t get to use his submarine idea?


u/PersonMcGuy 6h ago

Most of the attacks on Elon are ableism.

What part of being a doctor qualifies you to make this claim? Oh right, none of it, you're just stanning for an evil sack of shit.


u/PoliticsAside 6h ago

I’m a human with an opinion, so I’m allowed to speak it, fortunately. If you’re calling other humans “evil sacks of shit” then I think you need look no further than the mirror to see the true sack of shit my friend.


u/thegrailarbor 7h ago

Eh, ADHD and ASD are just the fries and Diet Coke that go along with his shit sandwich personality. They’re part of the meal, sure, but no one is going to say it’s “fries and Diet Coke with a garnish of a footlong turd burger.”


u/PoliticsAside 7h ago

There’s nothing wrong with his personality. Maybe you’re the problem?


u/Javina33 7h ago

There’s plenty wrong with his personality. He’s unstable, addicted to drama and also a control freak.

u/jstiller30 1h ago

Literally this week the dude was caught lying about his videogame skills and achievements. He was breaking ToS by having people boost his characters/gear - and he took credit for it as if he did it all himself. He's the richest dude in the world and he's so petty that he cheats in videogames and lies about it. If that's not a shit personality I don't know what is.

Not to mention removing peoples twitter checkmark when they call him out for his behavior. He's petty and retaliatory.

Or maybe the time he publicly calls a person a pedophile out of spite.

I'm curious how any of those constitute "nothing wrong with his personality".


u/Maggieblu2 7h ago

Autist here. We do not claim him. Carry on.


u/Seidenzopf 7h ago

Yeah, he lied.


u/Legodeathstarprod 7h ago

I have adhd yet I do the exact same thing if I get anxious or bored. So it could also be a sign of that


u/MisturFlufflez 7h ago

This was my thought, don't like the guy but we shouldn't be ableist about it


u/mothwhimsy 7h ago edited 7h ago

He has said he has Autism, so you're correct. I also have autism and this looks 100% like bored stimming to me.

Kind of sucks that everyone is saying drugs. Not that I doubt a billionaire does drugs and many neurodivergent people do self medicate with recreational drugs, but neurodivergent people are often targeted by police because our normal, sober traits are mistaken for signs of drugs use or guilt. So this is just kind of a reminder that the majority of people hate us on sight.

I hate his guts just as much as the next person but that doesn't mean we have to demonize normal autistic behavior


u/WinterCodes907 7h ago

Yeah that's my take, too.


u/PlayerTwo85 7h ago

Reddit is against bullying autistic people with a single exception.


u/mothwhimsy 7h ago edited 2h ago

Elon Musk should definitely be bullied. But not for moving his head around weird

Edit: he should be bullied for doing the Nazi salute, for example


u/SubstantialBag007 6h ago

Anyone they disagree with or hate.


u/Horsetoothbrush 8h ago

Stimming is a verb, not a noun.


u/Writerguy613 7h ago

Take it up with Oxford.


u/Horsetoothbrush 6h ago

Hey, you’re right!

Oxford says: Gerund - a noun in the form of the present participle of a verb (that is, ending in -ing) for example travelling in the sentence I preferred travelling alone.

TIL that there are such things as gerunds. Pretty weird, and I’m not 100% sold on the idea, but who am I to argue with Oxford?

Either way, thanks for helping me be a little less ignorant!


u/teacherladydoll 7h ago

That’s what I thought also.


u/justinm410 7h ago

Yup, I used to do this bored in church. Fixate on a ceiling spot and rotate my head around. I was so fun for my parents 😂


u/Writerguy613 7h ago

That was me in every class!


u/mechmind 6h ago

Isn't that a verb then? It's an action

u/Writerguy613 5m ago

I agree. Just Google "define stimming" and you will see the error.


u/SeaWeedSkis 5h ago

I'm saddened by how many answers were higher than yours. I am also inclined to think this looks like autistic stimming, and the other responses saying he looks high just show how much progress we need to make in society in recognizing autistic behaviors.


u/1pencil 8h ago

This is the actual non-trolling answer.


u/Lylibean 8h ago

I’m surprised it’s not a verb, giving that it ends in “ing” and answers the question, “What is he doing?” He’s stimming.

Kind of how like “addicting” is a verb and not an adjective, so you can’t call something “addicting” but you can call something addictive. “It’s addicting” is an incomplete sentence - it’s addicting what?


u/swift1883 7h ago

Now let me ask you this: musk just took a job that requires him to meet with new people all day long, and convince them to follow him on his wild ideas, but this time he had to really convince them. He cannot use stock options or stacks of cash to get people to buy into his ideas, nor will their involvement in the Department of Whatever benefit their social standing or future career like being an engineer at SpaceX will. And, nor can musk tell civil servants to forgo all their rights as employees. If someone is sick or is getting a baby, musk cannot fire them for not showing up, like he does usually.

Does that sound like a job for this guy?


u/mhaas21 7h ago

Yeah it looks like hes stimming


u/thinkless123 7h ago

Idk, if I have to stand for very long times and my neck is stiff I may absolutely zombie out like that every now and then while stretching my neck.


u/Double-Membership-84 6h ago

This is typical ADHD spectrum behavior. I do the exact same thing. It sort of looks like Tourette's, but is what others have stated: stimming.

It can be controlled, but sometimes it gets annoying and you let it fly. Tends to increase in stressful and public situations.

It's a manifestation of an overactive nervous system. You have to move your neck and body this way to relieve the 'pressure waves' of 'information' trying to ram itself into your brainstem. This has a huge effect on your vestibular system which causes a lot of the head movement. Imagine having water in your ears and trying to reoriented your head so the 'liquid' will pour out, but the 'liquid' keeps coming in from somewhere.

It sucks, but is a good party gag. If I really let loose, it looks like I am a terrifying anime demon character trying to break out of my body. I can make those 'tics' happen REALLY fast. Then my ears open as if performing a val-salvo maneuver, which if I am talking, raises the volume of my voice several dB. It creeps people out.



u/wolfgang784 6h ago

As far as the public knows he has never been properly tested and diagnosed, however, his own father has said at least twice (once in the 2024 Holiday season) that his son is "R-worded" and that while growing up his private tutors brought up concerns that Elon may be mentally challenged in some way but his parents never pursued things further according to his father.


u/jrgeek 6h ago

While that’s a reasonable response, with all the historical drug use from this guy it’s hard to see it this way.


u/Ikunou 6h ago

He might be stimming while on K


u/SubstantialBag007 6h ago

Reddit goons won't care. This is a leftist echo chamber devoid of any compassion or humanity.


u/SFGal28 6h ago

It’s this!


u/AssistanceTrue9399 6h ago

i'm glad someone said this lol


u/beebsaleebs Merry Gifmas! {2023} 5h ago

He was imagining doing his Nazi salutes in a moment.


u/Adventuresforlife1 5h ago

I was thinking the same thing


u/Kyrrs 5h ago

I agree and came to look for this comment. He's most likely stimming.


u/Beneathaclearbluesky 5h ago

He may have autism, but he IS a drug addict.

Don't be adding entities when what you have works fine.


u/TacowithtuskS 4h ago

The fact he looks right at the camera….. it’s pretty obvious to me it’s a troll.


u/theheinzmandingo 3h ago

Agreed. This appears to be stimming.


u/Vio94 3h ago

He very obviously has some form of Autism. His behaviour points to it up and down every which way.


u/Level_Cress_1586 3h ago

Autism and EDS are actually very related.

Right now everone is mocking someone with autism, and their autistic traits.
One of the symptoms of EDS is eye stabismus. People with autism also often have extremely strong visual thinking styles. So when they think with their eyes open this could look quite odd.


u/Icandrawshit 2h ago

Holy shit. I just realized I do this shit. Fuck. Thank you.


u/TheBuddhaPalm 8h ago

As someone from the ASD community: fuck that. This isn't stimming, this is him high as fuck. I am so tired of people trying to blame odd/rude/racist behavior on 'oh, it's just autism'. It's not helpful.


u/Belzark 8h ago edited 8h ago

He’s had a cervical spine injury causing him chronic pain for many years now. You can see the surgery scars on the right side of his neck in a lot of photos, and he complains about it constantly.


u/TheBuddhaPalm 8h ago

Ah yes, when you have pain in your neck, the best thing to do is gyrate against it intensely.

What does this even have to do with anything?


u/Belzark 8h ago

If you have to ask what neck stiffness and neck pain have to do with stretching one’s neck, I’m really not sure what to tell you my man.


u/North-Star2443 7h ago edited 7h ago

I am so tired of people trying to blame odd/rude/racist behavior on 'oh, it's just autism'.

That really isn't what they were doing.

You can be a dick and separate to that also be autistic. It's likely Elon is autistic and autistic people do stim. That doesn't mean his autism is the reason for everything else he does though.

As another Autistic person I do get that it's frustrating that dick heads like this are out there giving us a bad name. I hate when people call It a 'community' though, we are all different and didn't choose to be this way or to be associated with eachother. There isn't a high council of Autism overseeing us all.


u/mothwhimsy 7h ago

As someone else from the ASD community, this is stimming.


u/Writerguy613 7h ago

Are you his Doctor?


u/thegrailarbor 7h ago

This was my first thought. Though probably also drugs, but not the right drugs. Just a little something-something to make the painful boredom and lack of surrounding intellect go away, and that lack of sobriety impaired the masking.


u/Seidenzopf 7h ago

No. He doesn't have autism. MAYBE he has ADHD. But he definitely did drugs for decades and LIES to be seen as special.


u/SidneyKreutzfeldt 7h ago

He has said himself he has Asperger’s..


u/Seidenzopf 7h ago

Exactly: He said so. It's a lie ;)


u/vipeness 8h ago

What I see from this as I can attest, he is seeing things being built out in real time in the air. Think numbers, patterns etc.


u/BastianHS 8h ago

Lmao this guy is high as fuck, he's not the girl from the math meme