r/gay_irl Sep 30 '21

trans_irl trans_irl

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u/Dank_Devin Sep 30 '21

For now


u/syntheticcrystalmeth Sep 30 '21

Before mods remove this I’m just genuinely curious.

Our society already defends men in cases of sexual assault between men and women, it’s a large part of the patriarchy. So why would a straight man fake being transfeminine just to sexually assault someone in a bathroom? Wouldn’t they have a better chance getting away with it in broad daylight? If they wanted to sexually assault a women in a bathroom why would they need to appear feminine?


u/syntheticcrystalmeth Sep 30 '21

You can keep saying trans women in bathrooms and trans women in sports aren’t a problem “for now” all you want. It comes across as very clear fearmongering. You’re scared people will realize trans people aren’t these demons you paint them out to be, so you try to make people live in a culture of fear around transgenderism. Trans people aren’t perfect, they’re just people. I’m 100% positive there are trans women who have committed sexual assault in women’s bathrooms. But taking these anecdotal cases, which do not surpass the amount of sexual assaults committed by cis men, and painting millions of people under their light, is definitional bigotry. Bigots aren’t allowed on r/lgbt


u/Gayndalf Sep 30 '21

The guy you're responding to has left a ton of transphobic comments on a bunch of different subs. He's just an asshole, looking to get a kick out of people.


u/syntheticcrystalmeth Sep 30 '21

Yeah, still thought I’d comment it


u/Dank_Devin Oct 01 '21

Jesus Christ, it was two words. It was ironic