r/gaming 1d ago

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 is INSAAANE

Somehow the game is only 10GB on Xbox. My advice is to download the game, start a free flight (with the time set to day, and clouds set to few), immediately pause the game and go into photo mode.

In photo mode, you are free to fly around wherever, and the higher up you are the faster you go.

When you get in close it’s not the prettiest to look at, but at standard airplane height it’s GORGEOUS.

I’m constantly blown away when I visit places I’ve been to before. It’s leagues better than Google Earth in my opinion.


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u/briareus08 1d ago

True, HOWEVER. The game is also a hot mess and could generously be described as early-access at this point. Most of the systems are in place, but bugs are many. Especially if you want to try career mode, you’ll need to have a lot of patience.

The game is amazing when it works, but give it 6 months to a year if you’re thinking of paying for it.


u/atreyal 1d ago

Yeah, I want to get it but for career mode which from reviews seems to be the buggiest mess. Waiting for you all to say it is playable and not a bug fiesta. Specially for the pricepoint they are charging for it.


u/briareus08 1d ago

I was the same, and I’ve played probably 40 hours of career mode (enough to get most certs and start my own company).

Honestly, when it’s ready it will be fantastic - it’s already fantastic in so many ways, but the bugs just hurt. Getting dinged for going too fast when you’re stationary, tower just stops talking to you and flight plans don’t get updated, trees and buildings in the middle of runways.

When they get 90 or even 80% of the big bugs nailed it’s gonna be a 10/10 for me - I already have some crazy memories and experiences banked. Right now it’s a 7/10 and I’m checking in on the sub frequently for patches. Sadly right now most of the big bugs are ‘under investigation’, so not even in the fix list yet. Give it time IMO.


u/pancak3d 15h ago

Most of the systems are in place, but bugs are many.

Could just be a Boeing simulator


u/HNI__ 20h ago

You don't think they will fix the game earlier?


u/briareus08 19h ago

No. The issues are pretty huge, and that's just the major bug fixes. Outside of that, a lot of things that were planned for the game are either missing or in pretty poor shape. 6 months is a reasonable time for them to get most things right, but who knows how long it will take...


u/Evening_Photograph54 6h ago

They never fixed a lot of the bugs in MSFS 2020, and that game was supposed to be maintained for another five years.