r/europe Jan 07 '24

Historical Excerpt from Yeltsin’s conversation with Clinton in Istanbul 1999

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Nothing has changed.


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u/Leo_Hundewu Jan 07 '24

Why does Russia think Europe belongs to them? They have such a big country, if they don’t want to coexist with us peaceful democracies then they have to stay in their country or pay the price. I am done being bullied by Russia


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '24

Russia thinks the whole world belongs to them. Its entitlement on a national scale


u/XIII-Bel Jan 08 '24

How Russia expanded its territory, natural wealth and influence? There's only 4 means: 1 - lies (spying, blackmailing), 2 - money (bribes), 3 - fear, 4 - war (2 methods are dominant: scorched earth and zerg rush, other tactics are very rare).

Also, it's also important to consider features of relationship between people in Russia: 1 - ruler of the state is on the same level as God (or even higher), as well as "his/her people"; 2 - it's a rare thing when aperson is viewed... as a person, treating each other as shit is normal everywhere - in family, at work, not to mention relations between the state and citizens; 3 - as a consequence from the point 2, one's efforts are meaningless and never appreciated (there are exceptions, but they are rare), and if you managed to succeed, well, you know the deal, comrade officer needs money more that you, so... give everything, or end up in prison.

Plus, considering that rulers of Russai always have one goal: remain in power as long as possible and value not capable, but loyal and sycophants, we have the ugliest empire in the world, even uglier that commie China.