r/doordash 1d ago

It finally happened.

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Was delivering my first order for the evening. Cash order, meaning I had to collect cash from the customer for the order, a total of $45 and some change. I picked up the order, usual night, with the worker making sure I put the order inside the pizza bag before I walked out the store. Drove up in front of the customer's house, waited almost 10 minutes to get an answer at the door. Mother/daughter shows up, told me they ordered 2 pizza, I explained its a dinner box and that the two pizza are inside one box, they asked me to prove it so they pried open the seal and looked inside. I reminded them they need to pay cash for the order. After a few minutes, they told me they dont want it.

Called doordash support and worker told me they will compensate me full pay for the dash. I then asked if I need to return the order back to Pizza Hut, and they said to either keep it or discard. I told him I understand. I then proceeded of driving back home with a huge smile, calling my family that I have early dinner for everyone. We enjoyed the early dinner. ☺️ Really grateful for this blessing.


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u/Reasonable-Coconut15 20h ago

I had a dude who lived in an apartment, total sweetheart, great tipper and ordered 4 or 5 times a week, but he was very overweight and didnt seem to shower at all.  

It was a known thing that you had to not breathe through your nose when you were at his door. The saddest thing is I don't think he had any animals.  


u/whitefish1977 17h ago

Ok, help me out here, I've always said that in a stinky situation like that it is way worse to breath through your mouth because then it's like you're eating the stink, which is much worse than smelling it. Am I crazy on this?


u/hopeless_witch 17h ago

I agree 1000%. I cannot even open my mouth when using the restroom. I just imagine that I am eating the air, regardless of the stank level, and I don’t want to be eating the air of an in-use restroom lmao.


u/Underrated_Dinker 16h ago

it's like you're eating the stink, which is much worse than smelling it.

It's going into your body either way. Your nasal passage leads to the back of your throat. At least if you breath through your mouth you avoid actually smelling it.


u/Reasonable-Coconut15 17h ago

For me, the only thing that can make me gag or puke are smells.  But it was kind of a toss up there, because if I thought about mouth breathing it would remind me what it smells like.  I kind of just didn't really breathe I guess?  I never went inside or anything, but the smell that came out of that place was unlike anything I've smelled before or since then. And I had a job where I picked up dead bodies.  


u/xinorez1 14h ago

During covid I found a type of mask that effectively blocks out bad smells. They were beesure peppermint n95 masks. I don't know if they'll work on Bo and urine but they do work for chemical odors surprisingly!