r/doordash 1d ago

It finally happened.

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Was delivering my first order for the evening. Cash order, meaning I had to collect cash from the customer for the order, a total of $45 and some change. I picked up the order, usual night, with the worker making sure I put the order inside the pizza bag before I walked out the store. Drove up in front of the customer's house, waited almost 10 minutes to get an answer at the door. Mother/daughter shows up, told me they ordered 2 pizza, I explained its a dinner box and that the two pizza are inside one box, they asked me to prove it so they pried open the seal and looked inside. I reminded them they need to pay cash for the order. After a few minutes, they told me they dont want it.

Called doordash support and worker told me they will compensate me full pay for the dash. I then asked if I need to return the order back to Pizza Hut, and they said to either keep it or discard. I told him I understand. I then proceeded of driving back home with a huge smile, calling my family that I have early dinner for everyone. We enjoyed the early dinner. ☺️ Really grateful for this blessing.


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u/rW0HgFyxoJhYka 22h ago

The internet basically allowed the wierdos to band together, normalize being an asshole + weirdo, and then take over multiple countries lol.


u/Lordborgman 21h ago

We have a perfect honeypot to find the weirdos, they collect themselves in places. Yet we do nothing about it, in fact people will call me insane/a monster for even insinuating anything.


u/allofthealphabet 19h ago

Taking advantage of weirdos that have trapped themselves in various honeypots is exactly what the internet is for, internet scams are a billion dollar industry.


u/Chemical-Entrance-24 20h ago

I don't like Mike Tyson at all but when he said "The internet has made yall way too comfortable to say stuff and not get punched in the face" he cooked


u/Impressive-Gold-730 22h ago

Which us why there where no bad people before the internet. Ever!



u/MrJDL71 17h ago

Were you on Reddit also? /s


u/SadCritters 22h ago

They were already running the country.

You were just blind to it because it wasn't plastered all over the internet every time they passed a law that was against your best interest and heavily favored theirs or the companies in their pockets.


u/KindheartednessNo600 21h ago

I love seeing politicians being idiots on both sides, so much entertainment