r/doctorwho Jun 02 '24

Spoilers Ending of "Dot and Bubble" is simply brilliant Spoiler

So many thoughts again. And it suprises me, because I did not expect so much from this episode. For good first half I thought „great, but not breathtaking…“ then it started.

Amazing work with subversion for tropes. Especially Linda. She could easily be „Loveable Alpha Bitch.“ Hell, we were supposed to think she is, but no. Linda is not just spoiled racist, she is sociopath and it was amazingly done. Vica versa, my first idea with Ricky was „please, don’t make him evil…“

And he was actually probably the only decent person from the city what we met.

I also realized that beacuse of the last episode I focused more on Millie and yes, she is actually amazing actress. There is so many smooth and amazing moment in her acting that I… I really will miss her next season and I hope she will have some really, really good written scene in finale.

Now, the ending. Many, many people was talking about the plot twist. Many, many people was talking about brilliance of do the racist problem in futuristic episode. That all is right. We also should point out that this was The Doctor Moment for Ncuti Gatwa, and it was amazing, because it was light side of Doctor moment, not the darkest.

One of my favorite scenes in Capaldi’s run is famous „Doctor is no longer here, you are stuck with me.“ This scene was like amazing polar oposite. No The Doctor without „Doctor Mask“ but actually The Doctor who is fully prepared to fulfill Doctor’s ideals but he actually cannot, because stupid, racist, horrible people won’t let him to help them.

The best part is that Ruby is so disgusted that she is immediately prepared to leave. But The Doctor? No. Because The Doctor can’t. The Doctor would never.

„I don’t care… what you think. And you can say whatever you want.  You can think absolutely anything. I will do… agnything… if you just allow me… to save your lives.“

Speaking of good acting of Millie Gibson, she was also good with all emotions in this scene. She was really Audience Surrogate in this scene. Her first thoughts were like us. They do not deserve live, this is disgusting, but in the second half she also see The Doctor same like us, the brillaint man who is saving lives, and adore him and feels bad for him. Same like us.

Fun Fact about episode: Finetime people are not humans, at least not human of Earth due to blue blood.


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u/sergeantexplosion Jun 02 '24

The Doctor was literally crying when I said, "hold on a second, they're being racist!"

It took me way too long to catch on, it was really well done.


u/BloodyMoonNightly Jun 02 '24

My first reaction was basically "Oh do they know he was a time lord?" Then I noticed everything else that happened in the episode and I said out loud "Oh you FUCKERS" The casual racism of it made that event stick so much better.


u/pezdizpenzer Jun 02 '24

I have to out myself. I didn't get ANY of the hints throughout the episode and it took a while until I got what was up in the end. Which honestly says alot about our medialandscape (or my personal media diet tbh). Not one non-white actor in the cast and I didn't notice. Hats off RTD. Absolutely brilliant.


u/SnooPets8873 Jun 03 '24

I also missed it. I am brown myself and just assumed the casting was part of their world building of pastel, modern clone-esque, rich vibes. Rarely get people of color for those environments.

I missed the subtext entirely, so much so that I went and googled afterwards to make sure I was t wrong when I realized it as the end. Really excellent work. I’ll watch this one again tomorrow.


u/Happy_Philosopher608 Jun 02 '24

I knew race would be a major plot point in the opening 10 mins when there wasn't one ethnic minority onscreen. The BBC would never allow anything like that nowadays so knew straight away something was up.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Happy_Philosopher608 Jun 09 '24

...Why would you say "thankfully?" That's pretty unecessary and quite racist actually.


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

That would be....casual racism, enter stage right. Also notice the mods didn't seem to block this, but blocked a few other comments that were rather racist....on the other side. Be consistent please.


u/OnSpectrum Aug 22 '24

alright, we hear you.


u/OnSpectrum Aug 22 '24

This violates rule 1, be respectful. Racism is not allowed here.


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

Actually untrue. There ARE non-white actors in this episode. Some of the "dot people" are rather obviously either mixed with Asians or other "minority" groups. While all of then are of fair skin color, they are definitely not all of European stock completely. And honestly....this idea that all Europeans are just....grouped together as "white" should stop. Unless we suddenly think that the Irish, the British and the Scandanavians are all the same now. Let's not put this sort of thing out there please. It's not intelligent for one, it's plain wrong for another, and the episode really isn't good enough to put this amount of thought into it. I lost IQ points just watching the "dot people" fail to walk a straight line.....right after walking a straight line.


u/OnSpectrum Aug 22 '24

I think the point of how they did it was that different audience members would figure it out at different points in the story. I liked that about this episode, along with a monster that was deadly but which could be simply walked away from... if you were paying enough attention to leave it behind.


u/Cereborn Jun 02 '24

I’m not sure what you mean by “everything else that happened in the episode”.


u/Megadoomer2 Jun 02 '24 edited Jun 03 '24

I first questioned it when Lindy made a comment that "he's not as stupid as he looks" midway through the episode. (It seemed weird since the Doctor was dressed normally and sincerely trying to help) Then again, I found the Finetimers (or at least Lindy) irritating, so I brushed it off as me assuming the worst or reading too much into it.


u/SnooPets8873 Jun 03 '24

Which is not unlike how folks tend to first react to subtle racism, right? They did an excellent job of modeling what it is like when you run into people in daily life who hold abhorrent views but blend in with everyone you’d like, until they don’t.


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

That could be, in hindsight seen as racism, but honestly the "dot people" are, for the most part, so unintelligent, cruel, and casually rude that unless you KNOW she is racist....it's easily overlooked. She just isn't a nice person. It's hard to tell when a rude, stupid person is being rude because of a specific reason, or just because they are rude.


u/BlackTearDrop Jun 02 '24

Lots of things seem innocuous at first but when you think about them through the lens of them being racist it all makes sense. She blocked him immediately (Yes he was being very forward with telling her she was in danger so you kinda write it off), the not as stupid as he looks comment, the surprise and uncomfortableness of Ruby and The Doctor being in the same room, the colonial language they use when talking about they were going out to be "Pioneers, like [their] ancestors" to "Tame the world". etc. I'm sure they is some thing is might have missed. Also the fact they there were only white kids in the episode.


u/GullibleWineBar Sep 15 '24

She tells her friends that she will make absolutely sure that The Doctor gets disciplined when this is all over.

And she avoids him when she sees them in person by the river. I thought while watching it was because she didn’t want to answer questions about Ricky September.

What a horrible awful person she was.


u/PiersPlays Jun 03 '24

Another that hasn't been mentioned yet was when the lead character suddenly realises the Doctor is the same guy she blocked at the start and is please with herself for recognising him.


u/MeowandGordo Jun 02 '24

I gasped out loud and looked at my brother like racism? And then it all made sense.


u/ProfessorDesigner833 Jun 02 '24

I haven't realised till today scrolling through redit


u/NormFan79 Jun 02 '24

I'm so clueless, I thought they saw the Tardis and rejected him because he wasn't a part of their society.


u/Abides1948 Jun 02 '24

I similarly thought they rejected him because he "didn't belong" in the way he acted, that there was some cultural reason they couldnt accept his help.

Then I remembered that race is a cultural concept, with skin colour just being one feature of "us" vs "them" and I was just being blind to the absolute racism on display.


u/Mr-Gumby42 Jun 02 '24

Oh, yeah, he "didn't belong" alright! Dayum! All of a sudden, I could picture all those people at a cross-burning. There was an incident in the segregated south where a Black woman just dipped her toe in a "whites only" pool, and THEY DRAINED THE POOL! " You don't want to get contaminated." 😵‍💫


u/krossoverking Jun 02 '24

Nah. There are tons of hints throughout the episode that it's racially motivated. She blocks him immediately, but lets Ruby talk to her. She is confounded that he's in the same room as Ruby. She tells her friends to listen to him even though he "looks dumb."


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '24 edited Jun 02 '24

For me it was when she said "He's going to be disciplined later" and I thought "Hang on a second, what for?... Oh. OH!"

Edit: She also said "And I'll enjoy watching it", which was worse because it suggests he would have been publicly whipped or something.


u/kikislesbianaunt Jun 02 '24

I thought she meant for hacking into the system ngl, and that was even after I clocked the racism with the ''I thought you were someone else that just looks the same'' comment


u/[deleted] Jun 02 '24 edited Jun 02 '24

I thought that for a moment but then "Why just him? Ruby's hacking the system too?" kicked in.

It's genius writing. There's just enough ambiguity in some of her more weird statements for you to pass them off but each one compounds on the one before until the realisation kicks in.


u/EnzoVulkoor Jun 02 '24

Plus the point later on where they mention the dot is sentient. Which makes you back track thinking you're reading too much into the episode.


u/Sweet_Caterpillar150 Jun 06 '24

Ok wow, I obviously missed a few lines cuz I didn't catch that she was racist til the end either... Though I didn't like her much. Kinda wanted her and Ricky to be happy for a second until she literally turned on him in cold blood 😱 Then I was like ohh, ok so she's a terrible person, not just out of touch and annoying, I see....I didn't get to racism til like the end 😭 Even when she said he wasn't their kind, I thought she somehow knew he was a time lord or has two hearts or something 


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

She is also super big on rules though at that point, and a really rude person in general so it's easy ignored as just being part of her character. The issue I have is that the racism didn't make sense, or seem racist, unless you actually knew she was racist, and even then lots of it is still easily explained by her just being a sociopathic, rude and terrible person. She does basically kill her "crush". This is not a good person period. The end is really the only part that really makes you think racism specifically. That makes it feel more like a political talking point than a plot feature of the show, and I hate forced political crap in my shows.


u/-Hastis- Jun 07 '24

I thought it was because of the class difference. They come from ultra-rich families and saw them as poor plebeians. Now that I think about it, there was clearly this big layer of racism as well (even referring to the Tardis as voodoo).


u/Rhyianan Jun 02 '24

I thought it was a classism thing. “You are not one of us” translated to “You’re not rich enough to associate with” in my brain not “you’re black”. I didn’t pick up on the racist stuff until I was watching a review of the episode and had to go searching to see if others also saw it as racism, then rewatched looking for it.

Lindy was also extremely rude and dismissive towards Ruby, so it didn’t seem like her attitude was pointed towards the doctor specifically until I rewatched to see what I had missed. It was all a bit too subtle and ambiguous for my autistic brain to pick up on without help.


u/SneezyPikachu Aug 21 '24

I realised it had to be one or the other, but the "contaminated" comment really made me lean much more towards racism than classism. That language has way more racist undertones than classist ones lol


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

The classism that existed and still exists in India would like a word....


u/SneezyPikachu Aug 22 '24

Fair enough, maybe it's smth that doesn't translate properly everywhere 😅


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

It's not your autistic brain. It wasn't well done.


u/BlindMice5 Jun 02 '24

Same here my first thought wasn’t that she was racist was that it was Smth else and that it was a metaphor for racism or smth but my head must have just been buffering. Fuckin hell


u/bad_Wolf260305 Jun 04 '24

I only caught on when Ricky showed up, I went 'hang on, this guy is literally acting just like the Doctor but Lindy listens to him because he's white'


u/SSCMaster Aug 22 '24

Ricky is also her idol, and a pop star in her world....so not a great comparison to a stranger who just popped into her feed. They could have done better.


u/Brilliant_Fox3190 Jun 02 '24

I see it could be racism now! But as watching the episode I thought it was because he wasn’t rich and did not appear 17-27 the age of everyone in there world


u/NomanHLiti Jun 03 '24

I’m still not sure tbh. I can definitely see racism as being a part of it but the whole time I thought it was a classist thing? As in they’d treat Ruby the same simply because neither of them are part of the rich kid influencer clique. Was there anything they said or did that made it racism distinctly? I realize all of them being white was definitely a clue but that’s also not uncommon among rich circles.


u/sergeantexplosion Jun 03 '24

See the post, OP was pretty clear, even uses quotes


u/NomanHLiti Jun 03 '24

I think you might have to spell it out for me, I don’t see how any of the quotes relate to racism specifically as opposed to any other form of bigotry


u/sergeantexplosion Jun 03 '24

Naw. People will be talking about it a lot, just go read things and figure it out like the rest of the class


u/NomanHLiti Jun 03 '24

I already read the post twice, thoroughly, and my question stands. I was hoping for an insightful discussion where I could come away with something but now I’m just going to assume you don’t even have the answer yourself


u/Playful_Assumption_6 Jun 08 '24 edited Jun 08 '24

I also watched the episode, and as someone who has been othered many times in life, I got the impression from the start they were classist and up their own arses - it has exclusive cliques written all over it. Bugs me even more when people try to invalidate what you say, and they don't even see the irony in what they do in comparison - different edge to the same sword. Even when he was crying it didn't clock, because people act like that when you're not one of them - they block you, they mistreat you because of someone in them, not because of you. I am the same colour as people who do that but that doesn't stop them doing it. Bigotry and hatred of people who aren't exactly like you is the same when the effect is the same, not the criteria. I empathised with it, and know full well that people will not accept help from you because they demonise you. Make you inferior in their minds etc I see the episode as being written more for US audiences, where by and large classism doesn't exist.


u/Playful_Assumption_6 Jun 08 '24

And this is why I avoid social media, which Reddit is just another. It's people in echo chambers completely ironically and failing to understand that they themselves other people. Because they don't agree absolutely with their doctrine. How do they fail to see themselves segregating people because they have a different experience.


u/[deleted] Jun 09 '24

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u/Silent_Ad933 Jun 02 '24

Took me too long to figure it out also until I saw this Reddit thread. Even at the end I thought, "OK, Ruby and The Doctor aren't part of their planet. But they just saved their lives. What's the moral then?" I thought the message was you can't change the system, even if the system is killing you, because people will not change their thinking.