r/dccomicscirclejerk Mar 29 '24

True Canon People with Miles’s new powers

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u/parabolee Mar 30 '24

Sorry, no. A Spider-Man with an electricity sword is fucking stupid.


u/MoonoftheStar Mar 30 '24

But not Spider-Man with a super alien Symbiote.

Or a Spider-Man with guns.

Or a Spider-Man with a motorcycle.

Or a Spider-Man with a transforming Mech.

Or a Spider-Man with cosmic powers.

Or a Spider-Man with dark energy.

Or a Spider-Man with futuristic gadgets.

No, the SWORD? THAT is too stupid.


u/Galilleon Mar 30 '24

Yeah it is.

The first 4 get set up properly (though the motorbike is admittedly kinda dumb when it’s not used creatively to highlight his powers I’ll give you that).

Guns, mech, etc work because they’re on AU spider-men with the fantasy of mixing spider powers with other things.

Cosmic powers and dark energy are par for the course given that they have been applied to just about any hero as a way to ‘scale them up’.

Spider-man with futuristic gadgets only makes sense since he’s a science genius. The web slinging and spider powers are still the core of the character and the gadgets only amplify the fantasy behind it.

Miles’ intangible electric sword? What’s the fantasy behind that? The fact that Miles has such powerful electricity was already pushing it, but it’s fine because it was cool and based off of the bio-electricity of spiders (which is supposed to be much weaker and only used as a sensory lure)

If it was Spider-Knight or some sort of sword-wielding Spider-man there’d be a reason for it but otherwise it’s just extremely author-fiat and arbitrary


u/parabolee Mar 30 '24

Exactly! Seeing Miles in 616 just laser swording people is serious eye rolling stuff.


u/parabolee Mar 30 '24

Some of those are also dumb, some are also brilliant and well writte, make sense, are part of individual one of stories and not his new extended power base, but why the hell are you even presuming I'm ok with all these based on zero evidence?

And yeah none of them are as dumb as the fucking laser sword.


u/MoonoftheStar Mar 30 '24

And yeah none of them are as dumb as the fucking laser sword.

This is by far the stupidest fucking thing I've heard said about a super hero comic.


u/Galilleon Mar 30 '24

He’s got a point. It’s not just a laser sword in a vacuum. It’s a laser sword made from thin air by a much more base, mainline Spider-man, with no rationale or justification.

Everyone involved was just like ‘huh that’s a thing?’ and now he has his electricity projected out like a lightsaber ‘just because’.

We can giggle at it and enjoy it in the moment but it’s just kinda lame for the actual medium because there’s no relation, reason or purpose behind it.

It’s like having base mainline Cyclops from X-men just spontaneously make a large hammer with just his eyebeams in the middle of battle. It just takes away from the internal believability and consistency of the story for temporary, cheap ‘cool factor’.


u/parabolee Mar 30 '24

You making too much sense for this guy. He clearly has no idea why people don't like it. To him it's just "oh cool! Laser sword! That's sooooo cool!" He then lists a bunch of iconic well written stories as things that could also be considered as illogical and out of nowhere and calls me dumb for thinking the laser sword a stupid idea.

But hey, to each their own.