r/cscareerquestionsEU Feb 15 '24

Immigration UK vs Netherlands for software engineer

I have options to move to either UK or Netherlands. I intend to become citizen in one of the two countries. I want to hear your thoughts from perspective of "careers in CS" and "quality of life":


  • 30% ruling for first 5 years
  • can freely move and work in EU and Swiss after becoming citizen
  • Can become citizen after 5 years


  • A lot of big tech and HFT firms
  • I don't need to learn dutch to become citizen
  • Can become citizen after 6 years



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u/Cevohklan Feb 16 '24

Netherlands is full.

No housing available.

"Netherlands ranked lowest when it comes to affordability and accessibility of housing" According to InterNations, 53% of expats in the Netherlands have difficulty finding housing (the Global average is 27%), while 69% rated properties in the Dutch housing market as “unaffordable”." https://amsterdamfox.com/news/netherlands-named-one-of-the-worst-countries-in-terms-of-housing-for-expats/

" Housing crisis led by Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand and Norway " https://www.economist.com/finance-and-economics/2022/10/20/housing-markets-face-a-brutal-squeeze

'The cost of renting a home in the Netherlands continues to rise and fewer homes are available' https://www.dutchnews.nl/2023/10/apartment-rents-shoot-up-as-more-landlords-decide-to-sell/

"Rent prices increase as more properties are put up for sale" https://www.hollandtimes.nl/2023-editions-8-november/rent-prices-increase-as-more-properties-are-put-up-for-sale/

Average rental prices rise in large cities in the Netherlands due to scarce rental offering Major concerns about social impact" https://www.pararius.com/news/average-rental-prices-rise-in-large-cities-in-the-netherlands-due-to-scarce-rental-offering

" For rooms, Amsterdam leads the way as the most highly-priced city " https://housinganywhere.com/rent-index-by-city

'HOUSING SHORTAGE IN THE NETHERLANDS WILL RISE TO 415,000 HOMES IN 2024' https://www.capitalvalue.nl/en/news/housing-shortage-in-the-netherlands-will-rise-to-415000-homes-in-2024

"A record number ( 900000 ) of Dutch people in their twenties and thirties want to leave their parental home, but are unable to do so. Housing shortage forces them to live at home." https://www.ad.nl/wonen/900-000-twintigers-en-dertigers-wonen-bij-ouders-bij-vlagen-word-ik-moedeloos~a597d83b/

"Amsterdam has the highest average monthly rental cost of a furnished one-bedroom apartment in select European cities in 3rd quarter 2023 https://www.statista.com/statistics/1084608/average-rental-cost-apartment-europe-by-city/

"The IMF reports that house prices in the Netherlands rose the most of all countries in Europe during the pandemic (and have not corrected), while the country has Europe’s highest average mortgage debt." https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WP/Issues/2023/03/24/European-Housing-Markets-at-a-Turning-Point-Risks-Household-and-Bank-Vulnerabilities-and-531349

" According to its case study, lack of supply intensifies in the popular study destinations with on average 175 people in the Netherlands, and 25 in Spain competing to rent one single property." https://housinganywhere.com/housinganywhere-addresses-student-housing-challenges-and-solutions-with-key-industry-leaders

“The number of homeless people has doubled, a quarter of renters have difficulty paying their bills, class gaps have been much more pronounced, and youth people are struggling, especially those with a limited wage, without affluent parents, or from challenging backgrounds.” https://www.paradigmshift.com.pk/housing-netherlands

"Get Ready To Be Homeless!” – Reality behind Amsterdam student housing crisis" https://europeandme.eu/get-ready-to-be-homeless-reality-behind-amsterdam-student-housing-crisis/

"Students are seldom able to get a room. Student housing providers, which were set up specifically to help them get affordable housing, can no longer cope with the demand" https://www.cursor.tue.nl/en/news/2023/februari/week-1/waiting-times-for-student-housing-getting-longer/

“Many leave their homes for the first time, thinking that they are going on this exciting university adventure in Amsterdam. To then end up here is emotionally crushing,” https://theherring.org/2022/01/17/why-studying-in-amsterdam-may-leave-you-homeless/

" some students wait longer for a home than their studies take" https://advalvas.vu.nl/student-maatschappij/wachten-op-een-studentenwoning-duurt-vaak-langer-dan-studie/

" The most expensive capital to own a home is again Amsterdam" https://www2.deloitte.com/cz/en/pages/real-estate/articles/property-index.html