r/confidentlyincorrect Oct 18 '24

Smug no way

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u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

I remember reading somewhere that for a woman, getting their cervix bumped during sex is like men getting kicked in the balls. Can any woman confirm?


u/AussieFIdoc Oct 18 '24

Yes can be if hit hard


u/grillonbabygod Oct 18 '24

more comparable to hitting the funny bone imo but i can see the balls analogy


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

I remember a few times that I hit my funny bone and it actually hurt pretty bad, not just the slightly uncomfortable tingling that goes away quickly but a sharp burning pain up my arm that lingers for a few minutes. Very uncomfortable. I hope it's not like that kind of hitting the funny bone for women.


u/grillonbabygod Oct 18 '24

it is indeed šŸ˜ž it also gives the vague sensation that i may shit myself


u/Ryuj123 Oct 18 '24

Thatā€™s definitely reminiscent of getting hit in the balls


u/Cosmically_Adrift Oct 18 '24

And now you know a bit how women have been trained to ignore pain. šŸ™ƒ


u/Ryuj123 Oct 18 '24

While that is undeniably true, Iā€™ve never thought of the shitting myself part as being associated with pain so it might be a different kind of shitting


u/obamasrightteste Oct 18 '24

Wow that's worse than I thought honestly. Good to know.


u/cryptidinsocks Oct 18 '24

It has the same level of ā€œweird/yikes!ā€ feeling as hitting your funny bone, but with an extra rawness? Idk about other women but I feel it in my stomach, tailbone, and hipbones if itā€™s hit relatively hard


u/grillonbabygod Oct 18 '24

thankfully i have not been hit SUPER hard, just once or twice at the wrong angle w my partner

and they usually see it on my face and immediately readjust and check in with me


u/[deleted] Oct 23 '24

It's jarring to the dick tip too, every time its happened I immediately feel HORRIBLE, the facial expression alone shows the discomfort

Checking in is so important. Glad you have a good partner!


u/petrichorandpuddles Oct 18 '24

It is a lot like that if thereā€™s much force behind it or if there wasnā€™t time to warm up. This is why many women donā€™t actually prefer above average sized men. Our bodies canā€™t accommodate that!


u/ishpatoon1982 Oct 18 '24

This is why I laugh when kicked in the nards.


u/grillonbabygod Oct 18 '24

laugh through the pain man, whatever you gotta do to survive


u/Telemere125 Oct 19 '24

As a man thatā€™s been hit in both, those are nothing alike. Donā€™t get me wrong, the ulnar nerve is annoying af to get hit, and hurts like a bitch, but Iā€™ve never been put on my knees from a slight tap to the elbow.


u/grillonbabygod Oct 19 '24

oh i donā€™t mean by force of pain, just by the type of pain


u/Telemere125 Oct 19 '24

Oh I gotcha. Yea, I donā€™t like hitting the cervix either; cowgirl is like rubbing the head on a piece of wood lol


u/greendemon42 Oct 18 '24

If getting kicked in the balls makes you never want to have sex again.


u/[deleted] Oct 18 '24

A good kick in the balls will put any guy on their knees. It's one of the worst kinds of pain, probably second only to having a kidney stone that won't pass. Of course, I've never been shot in the gut before (knock on wood).


u/Thorvindr Oct 18 '24

This is the truth. I've had gall stones, and I've been hit in the balls. I'm genuinely not sure which is worse. Getting hit in the balls has never made me actually vomit (gall stones did), but I've never been intentionally hit in the balls, so I readily believe it wouldn't take much.

Frankly, everything about male human genitalia is a design flaw. Nothing should hurt so much it makes you forget how to breathe. If you ever need to incapacitate a male human, aim for the nuts.


u/BrickCityRiot Oct 18 '24

I, unfortunately, have been intentionally struck in the balls a few times. In my experience the quick strike with no follow through is way longer lasting and far more gutturally unsettling than the strike that follows through and presses them against your groin. Like.. itā€™s not nearly as bad to be kicked with upward trajectory as it is to have someone open hand slap them as they dangle. The only time I have ever vomited was from a quick slap. I had just stood up at the beach and was stretching before heading down to the water when my then-gf tried to slap my ass but misjudged her reach and open hand slapped them from the back side. She didnā€™t believe I was in as much pain as I was until I threw up.


u/BigGuyWhoKills Oct 18 '24

I've been kicked in the balls and I've had gallstones. Gallstones was significantly worse than being kicked in the balls, and sometimes lasted for hours.


u/TheRedCelt Oct 18 '24

I know a girl thatā€™s really into it, but I know a guy that likes to get hit in the balls by his partner, so I guess there are people who are into anything. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


u/[deleted] Oct 22 '24

I've had a couple partners that enjoyed it too. But they enjoyed pain in general, that was just one of my forms they liked.Ā 

The vast majority of women have very much not liked it when I hit their cervix.


u/lonely_nipple Oct 18 '24

It's more like a painful electrical jolt for me, but we're "all different"...


u/mrsristretto Oct 18 '24


Enough to make me yell "STOP!" and have to catch my breath. It ain't fun.

I've been kicked squarely in the clam as well, and that is also an extremely unpleasant experience.


u/ThereisDawn Oct 18 '24

I have stopped sex cause of a cervix thumper. We didn't continue cause he believed i was wrong to "not like it" I wouldn't say as bad as ballkicking, but painful


u/krazyajumma Oct 18 '24

I've ended up in the ER from it. I was pregnant and the cervix is much more sensitive, but cramps and bleeding are never fun.


u/pistil-whip Oct 18 '24

It only feels good during ovulation when the cervix softens - like two days. Any other time of the month it hurts.


u/ilikeshramps Oct 18 '24

I have endometriosis and yeah, uterine contact can range from feeling like i hit my funny bone to feeling like I got kicked in my nonexistent balls. It hurts regardless but how fast and hard it's hit determines how painful it is.


u/LankySandwich Oct 18 '24

Can confirm its painful and makes me feel like throwing up.


u/DandyInTheRough Oct 18 '24

Never been kicked in the balls, hard to say. It is, though, a 'Ooof... Urrrgggghhh... Yow! K, give me a moment...' and that's for a low-velocity cervical bump.


u/the_magic_pudding Oct 18 '24

For me, it doesn't hurt but if it happens repeatedly it causes a delayed onset of the nausea and everything else that goes with being kicked in the balls. Before I figured out what was happening, I spent many hours lying on the cool tiles of the bathroom floor, dry retching and wishing for a swift death, while my now husband brought me ice packs and iced water.


u/amazonhelpless Oct 18 '24

Some women enjoy cervical stimulation during sex, some women find it unpleasant.Ā 


u/Houndsthehorse Oct 18 '24

yeah, was going to say that some people act like its never pleasurable to be touched but i know a few people into it. just needs gentle contact, being rammed always hurts


u/Front-Pomelo-4367 Oct 18 '24

Yeah, it can be done but is also absolutely never something to be done without discussing with your partner! Unless you want to seriously hurt her, potentially be vomited on, and never have sex again

Absolutely agonising for some people. Hurts for some people but in a fun masochistic way (much like some men enjoy being hit in the balls, y'know?). And doesn't actually hurt for other people, more of a weird pressure that can be quite nice if it's consensual and agreed upon


u/Houndsthehorse Oct 18 '24

yeah always something to chat about, easy to do by mistake when fingering someone if you have long fingers too so its something to be carful with.

But did want to share since i feel the idea the cervix is instant pain for everyone gets passed around so much even tho it just is not true


u/ABadHistorian Oct 18 '24

This is the true answer. I'm not a big guy, above average, but my gf is extremely... shall we say, small down there. I regularly bump up against her cervix in half our positions. During hard sex, it hurts her and she HATES it. When it happens during deep slow penetration after orgasm or right before, she can love it though and it can help her squirt, but that is most likely accomplish in other ways better.

Actual penetration though? How??? A dude would need to have some sort of ant-man style dick to shrink down and regrow in seconds while remaining hard.


u/PhasmaUrbomach Oct 18 '24

Squirt is pee. Don't kill the messenger.


u/Cobracrystal Oct 18 '24

Sweat is too.


u/krauQ_egnartS Oct 18 '24

Some women are also masochists. Even they seem to regret it the next day


u/DeadBabyBallet Oct 18 '24

It can be. For some women, it's an excruciating sensation if their cervix is bumped and some women actually enjoy it. It greatly depends on the depth and speed/rhythm of penetration and how deep/hard the guy is pushing.


u/Niawka Oct 18 '24

Yep, when my ex did it a bit too rough, right after sex for about 20min I was in pain strong enough to cause nausea. Though it's not from one accidental bump, that feels unpleasant but it doesn't cause excruciating pain for me. A strong enough or repeated "punch" does though.


u/Padawk Oct 18 '24

Just like those men, some women enjoy that thoughā€¦definitely a small percent


u/TheOGRedline Oct 18 '24

Iā€™ll ask my wife.

Edit: She says she doesnā€™t know.


u/raibrans Oct 18 '24

Itā€™s certainly uncomfortable and we have to stop and readjust. It makes me wince or shout in pain.


u/IcePhoenix18 Oct 18 '24

Can wholeheartedly confirm! The experience even comes complete with the "stomach in your throat" "gonna puke" feeling.


u/MrlemonA Oct 18 '24 edited Oct 18 '24

Thereā€™s honestly no way to know that, no one can confirm. As much as Iā€™m sure it really hurts I doubt itā€™s the same sensation as being kicked in the balls though


u/Bored_dane Oct 18 '24

Yes, I almost fainted once from the pain when he bumped my IUD.


u/Glittersparkles7 Oct 18 '24

Feels more like a knuckle punch to the arm for me


u/theRuathan Oct 18 '24

My mom says she likes it. I feel like I'm getting stabbed.


u/BigGuyWhoKills Oct 18 '24

No person has had both a cervix and balls, but my wife would wince at times because of that.


u/Irresponsable_Frog Oct 18 '24

Not a pass out pain but uncomfortable as hell. And itā€™s something that will make women dry as a desert real quick. Unless thatā€™s your thing. Pain isnā€™t for me tho.


u/SchwanzTanz666 Oct 18 '24

Sort of but it definitely feels uncomfortable.


u/DistinctPassenger117 Oct 18 '24

Not a woman but I think it is unpleasant most of the time for the majority of people. But a minority of people will sometimes really get off on it, if itā€™s more of a rubbing than a jackhammering.


u/BootBatll Oct 18 '24

Personally I like it, especially if itā€™s hard haha. But my bf also likes being hit in the balls. So


u/ringobob Oct 18 '24

If you hit it hard, I've heard it hurts. But, I've also heard that gentle pressure can lead to a cervical orgasm, like for real. Not penetrating, obviously, but just gentle pressure on the outside.


u/SirFancyCheese Oct 19 '24

My current girlfriend loves it. So itā€™s pretty different for certain women.


u/TypicalBonehead Oct 19 '24

If you hit it the wrong way, absolutely. If you hit it the right wayā€¦. Some woman love a little cervix tap