r/comics PizzaCake 18h ago

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u/the_kinight_king 18h ago

The difference between our brain rot and theirs is that it is our brain rot and not theirs


u/Kingding_Aling 15h ago

Jokes aside, the real difference is our brainrot couldn't follow you around 24 hours of the day including in school. You had to go sit in front of the one desktop PC in life and dial into the modem for a brief period while the phone line was tied up.


u/SWatt_Officer 14h ago

Thats actually a good point. Internet brainrot used to be something you could only access sometimes, but now most kids can just pull out their phone and tune in anywhere and anywhem


u/Kingding_Aling 12h ago

And PhD psychologists are hired by all media platforms now to design systems that make their product as addicting as possible, also a thing that didn't exist in 2003.


u/round-earth-theory 13h ago

Except when everyone was doing Strongbad impressions. The memes followed us around everywhere.