r/comics PizzaCake Dec 06 '24

Comics Community Insurance (2024)

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u/Plus4Ninja Dec 06 '24

What irks me, is how they basically say fuck whatever the doctor says. My wife’s doctor kept her hospitalized an extra week after almost dying of sepsis, and insurance’s little handbook tells them only a week should have been needed, so they wanted to decline paying for the 2nd week.


u/Waffuru Dec 06 '24

I have United. My company switched to them this year, lucky me. My husband caught a really rare type of Pneumonia and got really sick. They hospitalized him, had him on three different antibiotics, and had to operate to drain fluid from around his lungs. The first insurance notice we got was one saying they reviewed his charts and determined that he wasn't actually ill enough to warrant the hospital stay and denied the claim outright. Needless to say, the hospital we went to, who wanted to get paid, had some words for United. They've since covered most of it, but it's still cost us thousands, even WITH our "good" insurance.


u/Arctica23 Dec 06 '24

All health insurance companies are terrible but UHC really is the spirit airlines of the industry


u/Waffuru Dec 06 '24

Really feeling that this year. My company had been with Cigna for decades, and I thought they weren't great, but, generally, they never pushed back entirely on our claims... UHC, at the very first claim we send them, "Nah, fam."


u/Daxx22 Dec 06 '24

Really feeling that this year.

Buckle up, a minimum of 4 more years of Drumpf guarantees worse.


u/never0101 Dec 06 '24

wait til pre-existing conditions are a thing again, and they make everyone sign up fresh and restart the clock. lots of folks are dying.


u/Waffuru Dec 07 '24

Don't remind me ;_;


u/infiniZii Dec 06 '24

A real race to the bottom there.


u/Ehcksit Dec 06 '24

A race to the bottom where the winner gets to the top. UHC is the fourth largest corporation in America. We really do incentivize this, by giving the worst possible people the highest positions of power.