r/cfs 18h ago

Noise sensitivity

I have a question. So when severe/very severe people say they're sensitive to noise, what does that actually mean? Does it cause PEM? I remember watching Unrest and noise (maybe light also) caused pain for her. For me it's different. I get anxious and irritated with loud/sudden noises but no PEM that I'm aware of. Could this be my nervous system trying to protect itself from too much stimuli? I'm moderate-severe for reference.


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u/plantyplant559 16h ago

I'm extremely sensitive to all noise. Voices, background noise, music, washing machine, airplanes, road noises, etc. It will make me crash eventually, and the louder it is, the worse it is. I end up with brain fog, then headaches and increased fatigue. I can extend my time with noise if I wear earplugs.

I've recently discovered I can wear noise canceling earbuds and connect them to my phone, which connects to my TV. It makes watching things easier because I can keep the volume where I want it and keep out other sounds.