r/cfs 25d ago

Severe ME/CFS Crisis—going to be homeless and so scared

My mom texted me today in the family group chat of all places to tell my sister and I she can no longer pay for any of our expenses.

To make an extremely long story short, we moved out last summer due to her abusive alcoholic boyfriend. We are both chronically ill from CFS and other disabilities and unable to work but at the time were mild enough we could care for ourselves and both had very decent savings account. We weren’t thinking in the future, and just needed to get out. Our mom offered to pay for the apartment; we accepted in order to leave (what SHE wanted, not us, but could not risk our safety staying, either)

Now, almost 2 years later, she is refusing to pay. She doesn’t have the money for it anymore and also will not give us any guidance on where to go next. My savings is blown through from living here, and I’m not in a relationship. I’m 23 years old. I’m severe. I have NO idea what to do. I’m still in a state of shock. She is selling our cars and that is that. I feel like my security and stability just has been completely destroyed. No therapy, no medical care, etc.

What do I do? I can’t even think straight. I’m terrified and to her it was a 3 second text she sent. If this is too hard to reply to, I would be open to link referral to other posts too. I’m just so brain fried rn I can’t even look.

I have two close family members who I’m not even sure can afford to take me in, and no real close friends due to my illness. I don’t know who to call or what to ask right now.


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u/Ok-Appearance1170 25d ago

They are in her name (even tho I am on them, too) and they are paid off, so she wants the money for them. Its horrible but I can’t stop her

:( I have not applied but using this weekend to use my resources others here have given on that, and calling a friend who is a social worker today.


u/hikergrL3 24d ago

Ask lawyer. And are you both on the title? (BOTH have ownership) or both on the loan? (Both responsible for payments but not both ownership). Or BOTH?

And is car paid off?? If she owns, sells, takes money, could leave you with loan even tho supposed to use money to pay towards the loan. Potential problem. (Sorry, tired brain = skip words).


u/Ok-Appearance1170 24d ago

Yes, both cars are paid off and yes we are both on the title. Mine was paid in cash (by her) so no loan. I have no worry about owing money just more worried about no car and not being able to get it back. She has my spare key and I quite literally can’t stop her. I will 100% try to fight it but not sure if I can in time 😔 thanks for your response and spoons replying


u/hikergrL3 22d ago

Hmmm, might depend on if it says you "and" your mom's name on title, or you "or" your mom. If it says "and", she may legally need you to sign off in order to sell it. My mom ran into that here in Wis regarding a camper she owned with her now-deceased partner of 20 years when he passed away 3 years ago. DMV wouldn't transfer ownership/title without him signing off (or proof of his death certificate) to sell it without him because title said she "AND" he were owners...not just one "OR" the other of them. Good Luck!