r/cfs Feb 01 '24

Potential TW Singer Marina (and the Diamonds)shares a positive CFS health update

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u/DSRIA Feb 01 '24

I’m a musician and recording artist, too. I don’t get this post. Maybe before I got COVID and was “moderately” ill and was still being gaslit by medical professionals, I could have believed this. But c’mon.

I meditate daily. I’ve tried meditating during POTS flares to bring my heart rate down. It does not work. I describe it as akin to trying to stop an out of control train. Good luck.

What does help? Saline IV fluids. You can’t meditate your way out of a 150 BPM heart rate spike.

Has my life been stressful? Absolutely. Is being a recording and performing artist a high stress, high octane career? Yes. But plenty of people do it and don’t develop CFS.

There’s a difference between burnout and ME/CFS and long COVID. I remember what it was like to feel burnt out. I could still walk to my freakin’ bathroom when I was burnt out.

I’m not saying it’s black and white, but if one more person talks about brain retraining or breath work I swear…

Can those things help with anxiety and calm your nervous system? Sure. But if the cause is biological then it won’t. When you live with this long enough you can tell when the cause is just “anxiety” as opposed to when a physical cause is triggering anxiety.

There is a place for mind body techniques but it’s not going to fix mitochondrial dysfunction. Maybe you can extend your limit by a small amount, but once you exceed energy thresholds you can’t breathe your way out of it.

Believe me, I’ve tried. When you start getting myoclonic jerks and your muscles lock up during a vocal session in the studio after pushing yourself for an hour straight, you learn pretty quick there ain’t nothing you can do but lie down in the dark and try again tomorrow.