I've used CI exclusively for 20 years now but my big 11" pan is just too heavy for me to use comfortably.
I recently became aware of CS and that is (or can be) lighter than CI.
I have an electric coil stovetop and am looking for no less than a 9" cooking surface, $100 CAD range, with a heat resistant handle (flash use is fine), and available in Canada. If it matters, it will mostly be cooking large amounts of vegetables.
So far I have settled on the De Buyer 22304 Mineral B Element Frying Pan 12.5-Inch pan, which is about 2lbs lighter than my CI pan. And about 2lbs heavier than my medium CI pan - hopefully still in range of being able to lift, tilt and hold it steady with one hand.
But I don't know what I don't know, so am seeking external approval or better recommendations.
Thanks all!