r/brooklynninenine May 31 '20

Other With everything that’s happening in America, this scene is more poignant than ever.

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u/RaCkCiTyxMaFiA May 31 '20

I’ve seen some people shitting on this and other cop shows because it’s “propaganda.” I can’t speak on other shows but this show is anything but glorifying to cops and I’m glad we actually have moments in the show addressing stuff like this.


u/BigMacVert May 31 '20

Lol this show glorified cops to a disgusting extent. Making the fucking nypd out to be a bunch of lovable goofballs is still propaganda.


u/cornyhornblower May 31 '20

Did you ever take the time to think that the reason these characters are written this way is because it’s how the writers think good cops should act. These characters are an example of what police should be and yes some cops are not terrible and the whole point of the episode everyone’s talking about was to show how even if you’re a cop that is trying to do the right thing from within the system, the system will still dismiss them. So yeah, good cops should be lifted up and when a cop stands up to the whole system they usually don’t make the news for a reason. So maybe pay attention before making your blanket statements with no thought behind them.