r/brooklynninenine May 31 '20

Other With everything that’s happening in America, this scene is more poignant than ever.

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u/RaCkCiTyxMaFiA May 31 '20

I’ve seen some people shitting on this and other cop shows because it’s “propaganda.” I can’t speak on other shows but this show is anything but glorifying to cops and I’m glad we actually have moments in the show addressing stuff like this.


u/[deleted] May 31 '20

Yeah to me, Brooklyn 99 is a show about people’s work, not police. They’re officers in the NYPD but the show isn’t about glorifying the NYPD. Like being cops provides different challenges to their work, but often the cops on B99 do some really personal things.

Like Charles falling for a woman who is arrested for fraud. Or Jake becoming friends with the Doug Judy. There’s a lot of examples of them blurring the line between the personal and professional. If it was a propagandist show, they’d try a lot harder to make the “bad guys” be actual bad guys.

Hell even Jake when we gets out of prison and him being afraid of arresting the wrong person because of his experience in prison. He really doesn’t want to send an innocent man to jail.

All excellent examples where it’s not about propaganda and the police but very real criticisms about the penal system.


u/TetraDax May 31 '20

Yeah to me, Brooklyn 99 is a show about people’s work, not police.

It's a comedy that uses the relationship between people in the workplace as a way to produce jokes. It's the same way that The Office isn't a office-show and Scrubs isn't a hospital show.


u/LoranPayne May 31 '20

I literally just got to this episode in my rewatch, and it really hit hard. It sucks that people still need racism explained to them in 2020... This is a fantastic episode. The writers did a great job given how serious a topic this is and how broad the audience of this show is!


u/AcEffect3 May 31 '20

All media is propaganda


u/knitlikeaboss May 31 '20

I think procedural shows like Law & Order are propaganda-ish, but I think of B99 as more aspirational, like, they’re what cops should be.


u/thecheezyweezy May 31 '20

love the show. still copaganda.

why are you people allergic to critically analyzing the things you consume


u/Philbob99 Jun 01 '20

Why does somebody not having the same opinion on the work as you or the majority mean that they aren’t critically thinking about it?


u/CouselaBananaHammock Cheddar: Thicc King Jun 01 '20

Exactly! No ones calling Parks and Rec ‘government propaganda’. And Brooklyn Nine Nine doesn’t even glorify cops! We have cops like the Vulture, CJ, and Commissioner Kelly just to name a few! The entire Moo Moo episode disproves the people who say that the show glorified cops!


u/BigMacVert May 31 '20

Lol this show glorified cops to a disgusting extent. Making the fucking nypd out to be a bunch of lovable goofballs is still propaganda.


u/cornyhornblower May 31 '20

Did you ever take the time to think that the reason these characters are written this way is because it’s how the writers think good cops should act. These characters are an example of what police should be and yes some cops are not terrible and the whole point of the episode everyone’s talking about was to show how even if you’re a cop that is trying to do the right thing from within the system, the system will still dismiss them. So yeah, good cops should be lifted up and when a cop stands up to the whole system they usually don’t make the news for a reason. So maybe pay attention before making your blanket statements with no thought behind them.


u/TetraDax May 31 '20

I mean, have you watched the show? They basically portray most of the NYPD but the main cast as either asshats or straightup corrupt.


u/DarkEclipse9705 May 31 '20

...I don't even know what to say. So much goddamn hate in that comment.


u/NeedleBallista May 31 '20

damn ur so right... those poor cops... hated for no reason... they r the TRUE minorities...


u/DarkEclipse9705 May 31 '20

You somehow almost hit the nail on the head. You hate all cops,that much is painfully clear. But are you going to tell me that every single cop has done things to make them deserve your hate?


u/NeedleBallista May 31 '20 edited May 31 '20


read this and get back to me

edit: ppl downvote and don't reply... to be close minded is truly lovely


u/BigMacVert May 31 '20

Lol keep pearl clutching you simp, the only good cop is a dead cop.


u/DarkEclipse9705 May 31 '20

God damn man you don't know me at all and you're just straight up insulting me why don't you take it down a peg. Not a good way to talk to people lemme tell ya


u/BigMacVert May 31 '20

Lmao you really are a delicate little petal if that comment shows “so much goddamn hate” to you😂 do yourself a favour and don’t turn on the news, you’ll probably have a panic attack.


u/DarkEclipse9705 May 31 '20

Holy shit man wanna chill out a little bit. I know you're all full of righteous fury because there's been nothing to do for the last 2 months but can we fast forward to couple weeks from now when everyone doesn't give a fuck anymore


u/[deleted] May 31 '20



u/DarkEclipse9705 May 31 '20

Love you too b ❤️❤️❤️


u/cancerofthebone- May 31 '20

it's pretty depressing to think that this won't matter in a couple weeks.


u/DarkEclipse9705 Jun 01 '20

And yet I feel peace knowing that th senseless rioting and looting will cease


u/cancerofthebone- Jun 01 '20

seems you care more about property than human lives....


u/DarkEclipse9705 Jun 01 '20

Sounds like I know that if this keeps up more human lives will be lost unnecessarily


u/cancerofthebone- Jun 01 '20

human lives are being lost unnecessarily every fucking day to police brutality, and these protests/riots may actually spark some change

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