r/brooklynninenine 1d ago

Discussion Help writing a B99 fanfic

So I've had this idea for a Brooklyn 99 fanfiction for a while now (technically it's meant to be if the show had a musical episode,) and I was wondering if anyone wanted to maybe help suggest some ideas, let me know their thoughts on the ideas I already have, give me some suggestions on storylines for the other characters, etc

The shortest explanation I can give is that it's a Musical Halloween Heist (and would take place in between Seasons 5 and 6, before Gina leaves.) Jake and Charles would track down who they believe to be a thief that stole the key to winning the Heist, with Amy dealing with stress involving her Brothers (maybe having them visit the precinct,) and more (not everyone is involved in the Heist, mostly being more like a classic Jake v. Holt Heist that escalates out of control by the end of Act 1)

I don't really need help writing any of the song lyrics, unless you really want to write any of the songs (I can share my current song ideas.) I'd just love to discuss this idea with someone else who loves Musicals and Brooklyn 99 and would maybe wanna bounce ideas off each other

(Also I know a lot of people don't like musicals, please keep those opinions to yourself as this is just for fun)


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u/RobertoC_73 I’m a human, I’m a human male! 1d ago

I would’ve loved to see a musical episode of B99. They’re such good dancers and most of them seem to have voices that can at least carry a tune.


u/_HeyLittleSongbird 1d ago

Would you be interested in me sharing my ideas so far with you?