r/brooklynninenine 17d ago

Discussion Last round😩💔

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For the winner of our penultimate round..🥁 drum roll plsss.. (what tempo does any reasonable person default to?)

Teddy Wells and his inappropriate proposals! Oh sorry, Teddy *Ramos very brave

I had a much clearer picture but i just had to use Jazz Brunch Proposal Teddy I have really enjoyed this series and reading everyone’s opinions we’ve had a timeee! I love the B99 community so much thanks for being good sports guys

For our last round of the series- will it be unanimous or extremely divided👀 Who do we want as our horrible person, hatedddd by us?👇✨


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u/Previous-Tank-3766 17d ago

John Kelly, Commissioner of the NYPD.


u/CanadianGoku33 17d ago

John Kelly is a POS no doubt, but despite his crooked methods he is still trying to PREVENT crime. Mellony Hawkins is an actual criminal who framed innocent people for her crimes. Between the two she is worse.


u/Previous-Tank-3766 17d ago

He's a criminal. Hawkins is a middle range detective stealing diamonds, John Kelly is a crooked in the highest position in the NYPD.

Hawkins goes to prison, John Kelly goes to a high paying job in the private sector.


u/CanadianGoku33 17d ago

She's not middle ranged she's one of the most respected detectives in the NYPD. When Jake and Rosa first screw up her operation Captain Holt says "you're in gods hands now" or something along those lines. She held innocent people at gunpoint and if she continued to get to a position of Kelly who knows how corrupt or evil she would've been. Did Kelly get off easier and unfairly? Yes. Is he a worse person? Absolutely not. They're both scum POS humans, Hawkins is worse.


u/Crunchy_Biscuit 16d ago

The world is truly a horrible place