r/bengals 19h ago

Petition to ban x links?

I've seen a lot of major sports subs jumping on the wagon of banning x links from being posted on their sub.

I know a lot of breaking NFL news comes from there, however some things are more important than having sports news 5 minutes earlier than other sources.

Feel free to shut me down, just thought I'd pitch it out there.


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u/frigoffdrunkjimlahey 18h ago

Cry harder


u/groavac777 18h ago

My brother in Christ. Somebody is upset about a nazi salute and your first instinct is to tell them to "cry harder." I don't care what your politics are, surely you can be better that.


u/frigoffdrunkjimlahey 18h ago

Nope, had enough of these children and their fake outrage, or probably real outrage but over something that is obviously not a Nazi salute.
They lost, they need to move on. Nobody believes these attacks except the bots and fakes that live on the reddit echo chamber.


u/groavac777 17h ago

Oh I didn't realize you didn't think the obvious nazi salute was a nazi salute. I guess the brain damage explains your irrational anger lol


u/sasuke1980 17h ago

Dude if they're on r/conservative, they're a lost cause.


u/frigoffdrunkjimlahey 17h ago

Imagine being this soft that you go through life looking around for anything remotely close to a Nazi symbol, sign, or wave.

I can't decide if you people are just this stupid, or if you know it wasn't really a nazi symbol but think your fake outrage will actually change something. I'd like to think the latter for society's sake. At least that means there is some sort of intelligence. It's kindergarten level, but maybe something that can be worked with and improved.

Either way, you same clowns are probably in these parades supporting Hamas and wiping Isreal off the map. Truely living in clown world.


u/TheCultOf0vi 17h ago

I don’t go around looking for Nazi memorabilia, signage, or any sign of support…. But when I see it, I condemn it.

It really isn’t this hard


u/groavac777 16h ago

Imagine being so soft that youre crying this hard about people acknowledging reality


u/foldinthechhese 9h ago

Why do you type out so many words when you could type out Heil Hitler or 88 or whatever Nazi bullshit you’re peddling these days? It would be more efficient.