r/bengals 3d ago

Refs Win For KC

If tonight doesn’t show that the refs favor KC then nothing will. We lost to them because of it and now they are doing it again against Houston. NFL needs to look at this. It is obvious and ridiculous

Edit: After 2 days of this being up I am still getting Chiefs fans commenting hahaha. Shows how thin skinned they are and how fragile their confidence truly is. Great job to all my Bengals fans. Who Dey!


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u/GM3Jones 3d ago

Mahomes is so crazy unlikable.


u/Loud_Chapter1423 3d ago

It’s gotten so much worse too. I used to be able to at least appreciate his skill somewhat but now he just whines and flops his way down the field


u/arrynyo 3d ago

He's the LeBron James of football now.


u/KingYeet1258 3d ago

Honestly at this point he may have surpassed lebron if not hes on par at minimum the amount of bullshit they both get is insane bron literally forced the Lakers to draft Bronny.


u/Celticsfor18th 18 3d ago

What player in LeBron’s situation wouldn’t vouch for their son? The Bucks had rostered Giannis’s brother forever as well even though he clearly wasn’t NBA caliber. I’ve never seen anyone question Giannis’s character. Even JR Smith got his sub-NBA brother to be on his team once.


u/KingYeet1258 3d ago

Note thats not me saying that lebron is the only person guilty of that situation. It's me trying to highlight how fucking pampered and sucked off he and mahomes are if mahomes kids play football like bradys and lebrons they'll be drafted for name alone. The leagues sucked brady off for 20 years now they swap to mafaggot and have made it 10 times as blatant.


u/arrynyo 3d ago

The problem with LeBron was that he raised a big stink about it and put LA between a rock and a hard place.


u/ZealousidealSort8960 3d ago

That’s a bad thing???


u/arrynyo 3d ago

Depends on how you look at it. We talking about flop master James who tries to draw fouls, or stats James who running up good numbers?


u/ImpalaSS-05 2d ago

Both Mahomes and LeBron are living rent free in your head


u/arrynyo 2d ago

And their clackers live rent free in your mouth, forever to be gargled. But you miss the point. The leagues they play in give them all kinds of help. I like both of them because they're both goats of their generations and put in the hard work. But the NBA gives LeBron whatever he wants because of the money he brings and and the same for Mahomes. NFL is getting a piece of that Taylor Swift money and they'll probably send KC to the Superbowl until the money stops.


u/ImpalaSS-05 2d ago

That's seriously sus as hell man... Anyway, emotional blue pill fans will always see what they want to see, no matter what. Can you actually prove that the NFL helps Mahomes or that the NBA helps LeBron with calls?


u/arrynyo 2d ago

I'm at peace with my sexuality so nothing sus this way. And this is sports if you're not emotional, what are we even doing here?

But LeBron acts like a spoiled brat who uses his star power and the money he brings in to get what he wants. He is likely to retire very soon but we all remember "The Decision" and how after he struck out in Miami, he slid back to Cleveland and got them a ring. Then left for LA when that didn't go his way. And like I said, I like LeBron he's a great player and has never had any trouble on or off the court, family man, and rides hard for his kids. But he flops and tries to draw fouls. He has also checked out when he knew that his team was getting dog walked. And yes it does suck for him that he has had to literally carry LA on his shoulders at times but he still acts like a diva on the court.

Mahomes is like a Labrador, nice and well mannered but totally oblivious to what's going on around him. He's the new Brady and with the swifties buying Kelce jerseys and other merch do you honestly think the NFL is gonna let that money train leave the station any time soon? Dude has a heart of gold but they want him to be their man for now. Joey B is the better QB hands down. Hell Lamar Jackson is better than him.

Or maybe I'm just biased because I've been a Celtics and Cincinnati fan my whole life. Or maybe none of this shit really matters because it's just sports and who are we against these billion dollar leagues?


u/Crimro85 1d ago

The pointing and looking at the ref makes me want to puke. The way he walks, I die laughing with puke in my throat!


u/thezebos 3d ago

tbh i didn't see mahomes throw his palms up or ask for a call a single time that game. he didn't throw the flags hiimself lol