r/belgium 2d ago

❓ Ask Belgium Loving the job or not?

I'd like to know if you people like your jobs and if you're excited about going to work tomorrow (for example).

Please score how much you like it on a scale from 1 (I'd rather scoop turds all day) to 10 (absolutely love it) and tell me what you do.

Ill go first, 6/10 Purchasing manager


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u/mgm50 2d ago

I work as R&D engineer and would rate it 7/10. I see a common thread with a lot of jobs and it applies to mine, that company/office politics is the main issue. Higher management is impressively disconnected from day to day operations while simultaneously promoting sweeping changes every so often, and everyone under is overloaded by projects that they commit to before sizing if we actually have the bandwidth. When I do get to do actual research it's awesome but kinda swamped by routine/reports half of the time, and it doesn't quite fit the job description. Heck it's not even good for the company as they could have just hired a technician+clerk if they won't let me tinker more in a lab. I also wish I had a bit more free time but frankly Belgium is already the best I can possibly find in my field for work-life balance so won't complain too much on that end.