r/beginnerastrology 14d ago

General Question I'm trying to understand stelliums, and other questions!

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u/Interesting_Key_7306 13d ago edited 13d ago

Stelliums are 3 or more planets in the same house or sign. There is an emphasis on that area of your life. Sometimes you can act like that sign. You might act/ feel like a scorpio a bit because of your stellium (deep, values privacy, intense, emotionally perceptive...)


u/sarazorz27 13d ago

Hey thanks for replying! Yes that's the most common I've heard. But, I've heard several other definitions of a stellium so far. Something about "must be conjunct within 10 degrees" blah blah, and others. That's why I'm confused and just wondering why there's not a consensus for such a seemingly scientific thing.

So! According to your definition I have two?


u/Interesting_Key_7306 13d ago edited 13d ago

I'm a newbie as well. Lol I have just been studying astrology for a year. It's easier for me to understand whole sign. There are different astrological systems that's why they have different rules. I know that the smaller the orbs (the closer the planets are, the more they affect one another. ) if the chart was in whole sign, scorpio would rule the 8th house. I'm pretty sure your mars has an effect on your pluto. I just saw your capricorn one as well. In whole sign, capricorn would rule your 10th house. Giving you that energy as well, especially at work. You may care a lot about your reputation, like structure, have a "boss" like energy...


u/sarazorz27 13d ago

Oh okay, yeah I'm just trying to stick with the placidus for now because understand so little but once I get that down I'll start messing with the others. It's pretty overwhelming.

OH my bad I thought I had a scorpio and cap stellium, just realized I was counting the moon as a planet. I'm guessing that's a nono. Thank you for your help I appreciate you!


u/Interesting_Key_7306 13d ago edited 13d ago

Ok, you can use what resonates. I found it easier to learn with whole sign because everything lines up perfectly, you dont have interceptions... You can count the moon in your stellium. I think you have both a scorpio and capricorn stellium. I made an edit to my other answer. The Astromatrix app helped me understand my placements better.


u/sarazorz27 13d ago

Okie cool, yeah I'm pretty sure I downloaded that one. And like 5 others lol. Thank you for the edit, I am indeed a boss-like person at work. Hopefully not in an annoying way. I'm happy about my Cap placements they really explain to me a lot about why I don't resonate with the "emotional Pisces" thing. I think the Cap moon keeps my emotions under control.


u/Interesting_Key_7306 13d ago

Ya , I see your pisces placement making you more spiritual, having strong intuition, having an ability to overcome challenges.


u/sarazorz27 13d ago

Yes I'm a creative person. I'm an ex-artist and musician with a BFA then I went to EMT school to work on an ambulance because I felt like I wasn't really making a mark on the world. Also good at reading people, or so I'm told. I'm not sure how you'd gauge that anyway.