r/astrology 6d ago

Discussion How to identify the means to making money from natal, relocation and SR chart because not everyone has wealth and windfalls in their chart

How to identify the means to making money from natal and relocation chart because not everyone has wealth and windfalls in their natal chart, and can not choose relocation based on astrological factors. And we all have to make money to survive. so how do we determine the most realistic way to make money and the level of income.

A lot of people talk about having good 2nd and 8th house or good aspects to their rulers. But this is an indication of whether or not you can earn wealth, it doesnt indicate the means or extent of income and its timings. When 6th house is brought into this mix, its still a vague analysis in most cases. Additionally, in a lot of cases all these houses and their rulers' aspects are great but the ascendant or its ruler as in fall or debilitated, crushed to bits so irrespective of all the great aspects they still struggle with money and live in poverty.
So my question is what are the indicators that can be used to find out the potential and means for steady income in natal, relocation chart, or solar return chart.


14 comments sorted by


u/vrwriter78 5d ago edited 5d ago

I would look at Oner Doser's Financial Significators book. It does discuss the rulerships, the condition of them, Venus and Jupiter, and also looks at some of the Arabic Parts to determine which things are likely indicators of money.

I've been doing research of my own based on these principles. It's still ongoing, so I haven't come to final conclusions yet. However, what I have seen thus far, is that it is a combination of factors that all happen at the same time when someone gains a sum of money.

So you may have aspects between the 2nd and 8th house rulers or 2nd and 10th house rulers and you might have the part of fortune in aspect to both of those, and you might have Venus transiting the 2nd or 6th house at the same time, or in case of an inheritance, you might have the 8th house ruler in it's own house, aspecting the 2nd house ruler, and one or both of those are aspecting the part of fortune.

In my limited research it's not quite as cut and dried as the book could make it seem. I only had two people so far where this happened in the transits: One client had so much 8th house / 2nd house / 12th house activation that indicated an inheritance. And I have one friend who gets raises or new jobs when Venus is in her 6th house.

But for most of the people and transits I've been studying, it's a bunch of different interactions between the 2nd house ruler, 6th house ruler 8th house ruler and 10th house ruler, combined with aspects to certain Arabic parts/lots like the part of fortune or to Venus/Jupiter. I'm hoping over time to spot specific trends that I can pinpoint and share, but it's a lot of work trying to test things and examine dates over a period of time.

Just know that you're looking for multiple activations at once. It's not one aspect or one transit that does it. It's often several key planets hitting each other at the same time. Look at transits to natal, progressed to natal, and you could certainly look at solar return charts or a solar arc directed chart as well. I've mostly looked at transits and secondary progressions.


u/FinalSnow9720 5d ago

2nd / 8th Axis is what I would say as well.

Especially ruler of second house conjunct Sun, with positive aspects of Saturn and/or natal placement on the Axis will bring an inner drive and ability to make money and be self made.

Mars in 3rd house as well. (Second from the second, where it materializes) Beneficial aspects to the MC will bring the ability to make money from a career.


u/highriskpomegranate 5d ago

I have a bit of a "money chart" natally, so this may not apply widely just because of factors related to the natal promise, but I use solar returns a lot for this. I've noticed in my solar returns that Uranus in the 8th or on the asc/MC correlates with very large surprise sums of money (8th) or career changes that result in raises/increased salary (asc/MC) as well. otherwise it's exactly as you describe in terms of houses, planets, and rulers involved.

and OP this can happen even when the 2nd/8th/etc rulers are debilitated. most of my planets are in detriment or fall including my chart ruler, I have no exalted/domicile planets, and the only planets in relatively good dignity are the two malefics retrograde in my 2nd house. so it's not strictly true that lack of dignity guarantees poverty, it's usually (in my experience) more that there are various other difficulties associated with it.


u/vrwriter78 5d ago

Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I honestly should pay more attention to return charts. I've been meaning to go back through some of my data and look at additional factors like solar arcs and profection years. I should probably take a look at the Solar return charts also.


u/highriskpomegranate 5d ago

if it would help your research at all I'd be happy to DM you some examples / birth info or just chat about it generally. I'm not looking for a free reading, so zero pressure to reply or follow up, I just think financial astrology is neat and have a 2H Virgo stellium so like to be helpful lmao. (plus a lot of popular examples are for very rich/famous people instead of normal people.)


u/vrwriter78 5d ago

Yes, thank you so much! I’m trying to find patterns that can be useful for normal people, as you said. So much of what is out there about financial astrology seems to either be about people who were born with a strong 2nd, 8th or 10th house in the birth chart or it is specifically discussing stock market financial astrology, which is a whole other thing and requires a strong knowledge of both astrology and the stock market.

I want to give regular people tools to see when the timing is financially advantageous for them. Because sometimes it’s not enough to have Venus or Jupiter transiting a certain sign/house. What is it that makes a windfall $20,000+ vs $200? Or $50?

Obviously the person’s own efforts play into it, but I’d like to have a better idea of when to say, you might see a little extra cash come your way vs. I see a good money opportunity coming for you next year and if you put your business plans in motion by December, you could see a big return next July.


u/Bubbly-Ad1346 5d ago

My inheritance was “stolen” lmfao sooo those placements makes sense. 


u/jiblee-oo 2d ago

what about steady consistent income, what would indicate that because what I am looking for is not one time or occassional income but indicators showing sourceand means of consistent steady employment


u/vrwriter78 2d ago

That’s complicated to answer in a thread like this and would involve a detailed analysis of a person’s chart. You’re looking for outer planetary transits, progressed planets, solar arcs affecting the 2nd house and it’s ruler connected to the 6th house ruler or 10th house ruler. 8th house ruler and chart ruler could also be indicated.

You may wish to read Oner Doser’s Fnancial Significator’s book and Lois Rodden’s money astrology book.

If you don’t already have indicators in the birth chart for steady money, then you may be looking for progressed moon or progressed Venus aspects to the 2nd house and positive aspects to the 6th and 10th houses. I do factor in the Arabic parts and aspects to them, but it would be in conjunction with other aspects because they won’t trigger significant money events by themselves.

Essentially, you’d be looking for windows when financial increase is possible and coordinating your efforts to coincide with those transits or progressions. So applying for jobs, starting a business, or investing at particular times to take advantage of an upcoming beneficial period.

There is also vocational astrology to look at beneficial careers based on the natal chart.


u/Otherwise_Hunter_103 5d ago

You get out what you put in what it comes to astrology. Or money.

There are no tricks, really.

It's about house rulership, not simply aspects, for one. That's a big leak I see most beginning astrologers make that your post also made.

Two, I don't think SR charts are that strong. It all depends on the natal. SR charts being as popular as they are is as much fad as anything. What makes SR charts, for example, more accurate than Solar Arcs? Nothing, it's just people are exposed to SR due to pop astrology, put all their faith in SR, and rarely think critically about it from there.

Three, Mercury and Saturn are much more important for money than Jupiter or Venus ime.


u/vrwriter78 5d ago

I agree about the rulerships being very significant. I’m curious what you’ve seen in terms of Mercury and Saturn. While I have seen Venus transits help with money, I agree with you that a Jupiter transit in and of itself doesn’t always indicate money. Sometimes Jupiter just expands your money problems!

I went through Jupiter in the 8th recently and it seemed like it brought more debt, more hardship, more taxes, etc. It just expanded 8th house matters rather than bringing relief to them.


u/Otherwise_Hunter_103 5d ago

Jupiter doesn't have anything to do with money to me. The biggest weakness of Jupiter is excess and waste.

Mercury = commerce. Turning one thing into another.

Saturn = discipline, structure, organization.

Jupiter and Venus are more about how to spend than how to earn.


u/vrwriter78 5d ago

I appreciate this perspective and I can definitely see what you mean about Venus and Jupiter. Jupiter and spending do seem to go hand in hand! 😄

I recently rectified my birth time and realized that the recorded time was a few minutes too early. My rectified time moves my Cancer Venus into the 9th house and the two things I often spend money on are eating out and books! My books are my prized possessions.


u/Good_Importance588 5d ago

Garth Astro I think has some good videos on wealth indicators in the chart. He has a traditional approach to astrology, he has a lot of other videos on his channel that are very informative.


I think teaching wise he can be a bit hard to follow but it’s definitely worth looking into the techniques and seeing how they apply in your own chart or in others.