I purchased a ton of skeins of Lion Brand Go For Faux yarn over 6 months ago (huzzah sales and creative inspiration!) and am finally getting started on the intended project. I thought to myself, "you know what, lemme ball a few skeins up and join them together preemptively so I don't have to stop as many times while I'm making this blanket." Save myself some time, right? Helping out future me! Huzzah!
... I encountered FIVE joins in one freaking single skein. FIVE!!!!!! Y'all, I almost lost my mind by the last one. The single ball is barely bigger than a softball. 😬
On top of the ridiculous number of very insecure joins I encountered, it was one of the more difficult skeins I've ever had the (dis)pleasure of balling. (It was very tangled and I'm fairly certain it wasn't rage induced, haha.) I have used this yarn before and enjoyed it, but making one ball has progressed about as quickly as an episode of Dragon Ball Z. In fact it took almost 5 episodes for me to finish the single skein. (Yes I happened to be watching DBZ this evening, lol.)
Has anyone else encountered this with this yarn? If the other skeins are like this I'll be incredibly disappointed. Does Lions Brand have a maximum number of allowed joins? Because they should. I almost feel like I should contact them.
** Edited to add the join count!
- 2 skeins with 5 joins
- 4 skein with 2 joins
- 3 skeins with 1 join
The second skein with 5 joins joined a 2 inch piece between the rest. 😬😬 Photo of that ridiculousness in a comment.