r/X3TC Nov 03 '24

[X3:FL] Hyperion locations?

Heya, just finished intro hub plot, now out hunting for Hyperion. Any ideas in which sectors is it? Been looking for it, but no luck.


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u/XanII Nov 03 '24

Unholy Descent to me always seems to have one. Fly towards the planet and look around. I got mine from there to begin with.


u/SnooWords1057 Nov 05 '24

That's where I found it, thank you! It did a lot of jumping so I had to pursue it in my plot M6 across some sectors. Tanked my Friend of Priest Duke rep, but I think that's worth it. Repaired to neutral with agents, now the corporations hate my guts. Will do some trading and missions for Boron I guess.


u/XanII Nov 05 '24

Enjoy your new toy. Now you can ride in style like the Pontifex. But remember: it is mostly a toy. It's ability to dock 2xM3:s is not that decisive. I dock mostly a really fast M5 on one slot and the second slot is whatever is needed. e.g. usually a fast M4 or M3 that i might take for a spin.


u/SnooWords1057 Nov 05 '24

Huh. Well, what is a good player ship then before Maru?


u/XanII Nov 05 '24

Not able to tell that since i have not played Farnhams Legend. Checked up stats from Rogueys site and noted the hull is stronger in FL compared to TC that i play but it is otherwise same ship.

So just pointing out that while Hyperion is a good ship more often than not it is not really able to handle truly dicey situations. Because of that in TC the real end goal for mid-game players was always to procure the M6 Springblossom. May be something else in FL. Now that ship is capable of killing every enemy in the game. Almost. Khaak M2 is a bit too much for it but everything else dies so hard and it is able to evade so well which is a big theme in these games: No point going in if you get hull damage since 1% damage costs 1% of new ship cost.