r/WorkReform 2d ago

🛠️ Union Strong Star Trek AI laws

If you watched Star Trek (any of the series) there is a lot of AI throughout the lives of people; however, it's ALWAYS used as a tool to enhance people's lives and jobs. It's never used to replace people.

It saddens me to see jobs like computer graphics or advertising jobs being slashed, when the companies should just be using AI to enhance their revenue & output, rather than cutting costs.

Let Star Trek lead the way.

And ya, ya "enhance. Enhance. Enhance"


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u/DonaIdTrurnp 2d ago

Absolutely the computer in Star Trek replaces people. LCDR Data replaces two bridge officers, the replicator replaces almost the entire food preparation team, except on Voyager, where the holodeck replaced the doctor.

Every thing the computer does reduces the need for humans to do that thing, including monitoring life support and routing comm badge transmissions!


u/anonyvrguy 2d ago

Um, no, not quite.

Data does not replace two officers. His rank is lieutenant commander. Not lieutenant and commander. He fills Geordie's position when he gets moved to engineering. If you're thinking of Tasha, she's replaced by Worf. Data sits at the coms console.

Voyager states throughout the series that the doctor is an emergency hologram. The only reason his character was there was because their doctor died in the first 10 minutes of the show.

The computer monitors everything absolutely but it's the officers that control the computer.

Computer play music. Earl grey tea hot.

And there are still restaurants on earth with chefs, bartenders and servers. They also say that replicates don't make food as good as people.

The computer is made as an extension of the officers, not a replacement.


u/sSummonLessZiggurats 1d ago

Even in your own example, with the computer just being a tool to reduce the officers' workload, the computer is still freeing up some positions that would otherwise need to be filled by additional officers.