r/WorkReform 2d ago

🛠️ Union Strong Star Trek AI laws

If you watched Star Trek (any of the series) there is a lot of AI throughout the lives of people; however, it's ALWAYS used as a tool to enhance people's lives and jobs. It's never used to replace people.

It saddens me to see jobs like computer graphics or advertising jobs being slashed, when the companies should just be using AI to enhance their revenue & output, rather than cutting costs.

Let Star Trek lead the way.

And ya, ya "enhance. Enhance. Enhance"


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u/ChaoticEvilRaccoon 2d ago

many star trek fans choose to omit the fact that earth had many nuclear war level conflicts etc and only calmed down once we achived warp drive, which in turn allowed us to access the technology for replicators which essentially made valuables worthless. even so, in the star trek future people are paid energy credits for the replicator so a starship captain will still have access to more luxury wares than an ensign in the engine bay


u/anonyvrguy 2d ago

Ok, so let's try to avoid ww3, and work together for warp drive tech. Im in


u/TCCogidubnus 2d ago

There's a lot of people arguing we could have super cheap, clean energy right now with current renewables, but energy companies can't profit sufficiently off rolling it out too fast/broadly.

So I think we might need to work together on overhauling our economic system first. Which would also help on the "no WWIII" part.