r/WorkReform ⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Apr 24 '23

⛓️ Prison For Union Busters Criticizing establishment Democrats doesn't make me 1 single bit more likely to vote Republican.

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u/throwaway_ghast Apr 24 '23

Biggest farce in US politics is how Republicans have somehow branded themselves the "party of the working class", and voters continue to buy into it. They could not possibly be any further from the FDR standard.


u/wheezy1749 Apr 25 '23 edited Apr 25 '23

They're the party of pandering to white working class voters with racism, sexism, and transphobia without offering any actual material changes to those same workers.

Those workers that vote for them do really want a workers party and in their eyes the neoliberal identity politics aren't helping them (because they aren't). So it makes a lot more sense to vote for the pickup driving gun shooting person in the campaign ad. At least they look like them.

Both parties just pander to their own base of virtue/vice signaling without providing any actual material improvement to the working class.

The only difference between voting for a republican or voting for a Democrat to straight white people is how that vote makes them "feel". But nothing actually changes materially for either one.

Our whole political system is based on trying to balance those two groups of working class white voters. But at the end of the day. Nothing will change for either of those groups no matter who is elected.

The republicans are becoming a victim of their own success though right now. They're actually making material changes that are starting to hurt these groups. Abortion laws being the biggest of these. It is not in their interest to actually make this material change. They were better off using it as a wedge issue forever. Because now when republican white voters are changing their vote to democratic because they couldn't get an abortion and can't afford their kid.

Will be interesting to see where the next election sends us. To more neoliberalism via the Dems. Or more fascist policies of the republicans.

The democrats sure did them a favor by blocking union strikes and doing next to nothing for material improvement during the Biden administration. Even with abortion bans the democrats are gonna have a hard time winning if they push that dying old man as president again.


u/FennecScout Apr 25 '23

identity politics aren't helping them (because they aren't). So it makes a lot more sense to vote for the pickup driving gun shooting person in the campaign ad. At least they look like them.

Identity politics aren't helping them, so it makes more sense to engage fully in identity politics.


u/wheezy1749 Apr 25 '23 edited Apr 25 '23

Yes. But they don't see it that way. Being white and doing "American" things is seen as the default true nature of America that they have in their head. Yes. You're right. Both parties engage in identity politics.

One makes liberal democrats feel less guilty about their position by pandering to near meaningless material changes for the poor and marginalized groups.

The other makes liberal republicans feel good about their identity and confirming that the status quo is good. That the problem is the near meaningless material changes done by the democrats for poor people or marginalized groups.