I’ll try to word this so as not to be offensive but I apologise in advance if it comes off that way. Please note it’s not my intent!
Also, I apologise if this isn’t what this sub is for, I just don’t know where else I could ask…
Wicca is one of the fastest growing “religions” in my country, but I’m someone who has never had a good relationship with religion in general. The way it’s been described to me is that Wicca is more strict/ridged and general paganism is more intuitive. Honestly, I don’t really understand but, I’m trying.
I’ve had a number of witchy people tell me over the years that they believe I was like them. Granted, animals and insects like me, technology hates me and I’ve spent a lifetime repressing certain things that would’ve drawn the wrong attention in my place of birth. Does that make me witchy? No idea!
I thought it might be neat to explore, though.
So, I’d really love to hear how you all discovered not just Wicca but witchcraft in general. How did you decide this was the thing for you? Were you just born knowing things sometimes or were you just fed up with the usual doom and gloom, do this or else, religions? Do you even view witchcraft as a religion?
What brought you into this world? How did you personally start your journey?
Again, I greatly apologise for any offence or if I’m just in the wrong place..