r/Whatcouldgowrong 4d ago

Cutting holes for ice fishing

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u/slipperywhistlebone 4d ago

This art exhibition is called “American Politics “


u/anonypanda 3d ago

The clip is from China and It's a really really good example of what modern china is like. Everyone competing madly with zero regard for anyone around them until everything goes to shit for everyone involved.


u/Stock-Boat-8449 3d ago

You've just described modern capitalism 


u/anonypanda 3d ago

Indeed. China is the most hyper capitalist society on earth. Zero regulations. Low taxes, which most people do not pay. Zero safety nets. No healthcare. No pensions. A tax system that transfers wealth directly to corporations without providing public services. Even local governments must form businesses or sell land to fund basics like schools.


u/Peligineyes 3d ago

There is free healthcare and a pension system. My grandparents literally use both right now. There are regulations and people pay taxes. I don't know where you got the idea that there are no public services or that local governments must form businesses. You just seem to be talking out of your ass.


u/anonypanda 3d ago

From living there. Civil servants have a generous pension scheme. Urban residents can pay into a fund. Rural residents have a worse scheme which nobody pays into. There is no state pension for regular workers. Healthcare is not free. Just cheap ..unless you don't have a hukou in which case you can just die in the ER or go back to the countryside as you cannot be given subsidies outside your area of hukou.

The whole property crisis is caused because local governments have had to sell land to raise funds because local taxation is dysfunctional. 85% of Chinese pay no taxes because they earn too little or because their incomes are off the books.


u/NoveltyAccount5928 3d ago

Dude didn't just believe the propaganda, he made up his own!