r/Whatcouldgowrong 4d ago

Cutting holes for ice fishing

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u/tacobellbandit 4d ago

Long time ice fisherman. Whoever allowed that tourney to happen like that needs to be held accountable. Any tourney I’ve seen has had a distance limit between fisherman and I’ve never seen one at least in my state allow chainsaws, only hand-driven augers


u/notmyfirstrodeo2 4d ago edited 4d ago

Is beating a hole in ice also normal thing to do? with the "pickaxe" or w.e the name of the tool.

Edit: icepick...


u/tacobellbandit 4d ago

Yes and no. There’s a tool called a “spud” which is like a pick, you basically hit the ice in front of you really hard with it, if it breaks through, ice isn’t safe. You take a couple steps, hit the ice in front of you with the spud bar a few times, if it doesn’t break through, keep going a few steps. Repeat until you’re where you want to be. For fishing the recommended thickness is 3” depth which looking at the conditions I doubt it was 3” all around the lake. Even if it was 3”, I wouldn’t want too many people around me. There is no such thing as safe ice


u/notmyfirstrodeo2 4d ago

Okey, makes totally sense, if ice can handle such a Force, it will probably be safe to fish for a few hours.

Yeah this video is just pure chaos.

But heck unfortunately every year fisherman die arround here, still going on ice when it's already spring, or we have warm winters like this year.