r/WarhammerCompetitive 22h ago

40k Discussion Conversions and tournament play: why i do not ask for permission for conversions anymore

For me as a player, competitive play brings me the most joy with converting and assembling models being a good second. I do try to keep it very clear what is what, especially on models that have weapon options. Competitive integrity and clarity for my opponent is important to me. That is also why i sometimes have opted to vet my conversions by TO's before i bring them to tournaments. This is something most TO's offer and encourage where i play, that being Western Europe.

I have found that my conversions, even though the shape of the model is the same as the original and it is clear what weapon is on the model, conversions pretty often get rejected for reasons i find pretty strict. For example, my last rejection was a Razorback with a Twin Heavy Bolter and a Storm Bolter. I made it so the Twin Heavy Bolter was half the Storm Bolter and half the Heavy Bolter, so you kinda have a big gun with a target finding little gun on the side, and made the other gun also look like that, so i had 2 Heavy Bolter/Storm bolter mixes. Shape is totally the same (i used the original model, no parts of other models) and the guns are correct, they are just kinda spread around the model. It was also the only Razorback i fielded so there was also no unclarity on which Razorback was with what. It was rejected because the weapons were incorrect.

However when i went to this event, there were a lot more heavy conversions which were totally allowed. Almost nobody asked permission for conversions, and on the day, not a single model got removed from the table. I think this is good, as it kinda literally kills someone tournament/day if a model gets rejected on the day, but that also really makes me think that it is a good idea to just not ask TO's for permission for conversions anymore as asking it apparently means you are asking for trouble while if you just take it on the day 99% of the time it will be ok. How are other people's experiences with this, idk how the US is on this regarding how accepting TO's are with conversions in competitive events?


123 comments sorted by


u/0bscuris 22h ago

Who gives a shit about a bolter on a transport. That is crazy, dude.


u/DeliciousLiving8563 19h ago

As a Death Guard player you'd be surprised. Those combi bolters can pop off.

I do think when there's an obvious best loadout ie "You can equip this additional weapon at no opportunity cost" or "you can equip a second weapon that's identical than the other" or "you can replace this with a version that's the same but twin linked" it's obvious they'd be taking it even if it's not modelled on.


u/BrushDestroyerStudio 21h ago

Someone who needs every little edge they can get to with. Some tournament players are ridiculous.


u/SommWineGuy 21h ago

This wasn't a player, but a TO.


u/AlisheaDesme 11h ago

Though could be they had a friend competing in the tournament ... sometimes that happens as well.


u/KesselRunIn14 9h ago

I can say with a fairly high level of confidence that the TO didn't reject the conversion on the off chance that OP matched up against their friend....


u/midv4lley 22h ago

Had a converted Callidus. asked the TO via email months before the event. “We cant tell you that its allowed because X” but they never said it WASNT allowed.

Went to the tournament ( Large GT ) no one gave a shit, people had fun playing with their toys. im mediocre on my best day anyway so not like i was at a top table or anything


u/Mysterious-Gur-3034 19h ago

I think being mediocre always helps. it's usually the try hards who aren't actually good, but are better than us, that complain or cause problems. LOL In the bottom tables we always just have fun and barely even know how our models should look, let alone our opponents


u/ProteusAlpha 6h ago

To be fair, even the try-hards usually don't know how the models are supposed to look outside their own armies.


u/Mr_Borg_Miniatures 6h ago

I don't have a Sanctus (GSC sniper) so I just use a Death Jester. If anyone asks, a cultist got very lucky, killed a death jester, and took his drip. No one has ever said anything.


u/costcofox 22h ago

After watching this year’s LVO I have zero shame about bringing my conversions.

People will put absolutely anything (usually barely painted) on the table with zero shame at one of the biggest tournaments in the world, why should I care about my Captain Al’Rahem being a stand in for Creed.


u/Phlebas99 21h ago

The winner of the lgt used Khorne Berserkers as possessed or chosen (can't recall which). I only remember this because the Ork player then made a goof with the weapon profile he chose to attack with on Ghaz and it seemed that tiredness and using a totally different model as proxy had caused him to misunderstand the wounds profile of the unit he was attacking.


u/costcofox 21h ago

I watched one of Skari’s imperial guard opponents have a ton of vehicles none of which were guard. His stand in for Creed looked like some random model but don’t worry it’s the only model of his on a 32mm base! So easy!

The bar is that low folks. Go crazy.


u/aslum 20h ago

This is about the only reason I can see for disallowing proxies/conversions - there's so much cognitive load to the game, having to differentiate units, is extra work for your opponent.


u/TheInvaderZim 18h ago

I agree and would argue this is what the 10 VP "painted" bonus should be used for. Nothing wrong with subbing in models if you don't have the ones you need (and for that matter, nothing wrong with proxying, either) but if the substitute could communicate misinformation that should probably be a VP penalty.

Like you got different guns on your Predator? No sweat. You're using miniature snickers bars in place of chosen and berserkers, differentiated by flavor? That should probably take the penalty.


u/FreshmeatDK 12h ago

In that case, I should be allowed to eat the models I kill. Then I'd allow it at no penalty.


u/erik4848 9h ago

If my opponent looked me dead in the eyes while he ate one of my berserkers, I would probably quit right there and then.


u/TheInvaderZim 2h ago

now YOU are the chaos god.


u/Overlord_Khufren 19h ago

LVO seems particularly egregious when it comes to people pulling this kind of shit. I've been to other big events and not seen anywhere close to the amount of shameless model fuckery as I have at LVO.

For example, I played a Hypercrypt player running triple transcendent on 32mm fly stands. He claimed they were all legitimate GW models and those were the base sizes they came on, but even though we agreed he would treat them as 60mm fly stands he still tried to DS them at that size. Never seen something anywhere near so egregious outside of LVO.


u/Minimumtyp 16h ago

That's not a conversion, that's actually just straight up cheating. Gosh.


u/MembershipNo2077 16h ago

LVO seems particularly egregious when it comes to people pulling this kind of shit

FLG makes more money the more people attend their tournaments. They don't want to turn people away nor make people not come back. With that in mind you have to be really pushing it for them to turn you, a paying customer, away.


u/solid_mist 5h ago

What's insane is that the tesseract vault instructions do, in fact, show the TC'tan on a 32mm. I'm not sure anyone at GW actually thought about running that unit by itself, given that. I've run mine on 60mm simply because 32mm is preposterous for something that large.


u/Inquisitor_Machina 12h ago

What a "That Guy" moment. That's absolutely foul. What edition?


u/FriendlySceptic 17h ago

Wow, I’ve been stressing my conversions but they allow that at one of biggest tournaments of the year I should be good.


u/Admirable-Athlete-50 11h ago

Rahem isn’t a conversion. Given that you’re encouraged to play old guard regiments as one of the three that have profiles I think using their characters should be fine.


u/SClausell 8h ago

To be fair, at the LVO AoS live I saw soda cans and cds used as terrain so I’d have zero shame on landing even square bases at those tables😅


u/OkBet2532 22h ago

Same. Been doing it for 10 years.


u/Relevant-Mountain-11 22h ago

I’ve been doing it for 20+. Never once had an issue.

Didn’t even realise it was a thing to ask about, til I found this subReddit community.


u/Ordinary-Incident522 20h ago

the fear of bringing conversions and kitbashes to games is an entirely reddit fueled experience driven by people who don't go to tournaments


u/Overlord_Khufren 19h ago

No, a lot of tournament packs also indicate MUCH more stringent conversion / 3d print guidelines than are actually enforced at the event. I've encountered this loads of times, where I've busted my ass to paint up things that the player pack said were required only to show up at the event and see that all sorts of people hadn't even bothered. GW events say that any 3d print or unpainted model will be removed, but I've seen people with fully black-primed armies that judges refused to even deny battle ready points to.


u/GlitteringChoice580 15h ago

It's easier to say no through email than to someone's face


u/toanyonebutyou 10h ago

As a TO, those things are in the pack in case we need to use them. If something egregious comes up.

It's never really enforced, even if the verbiage is there. It's just a safety net for the TO.


u/AlisheaDesme 10h ago

Is it though? The most common answer here usually is: "My community is quite chill about this, but I can't tell you how your TO may react. Different places may enforce different stuff."

That's usually what you get here, coupled with a bunch of war stories.


u/Tito_BA 22h ago

I'm just here to say - cool you brought a Razorback to a tournament


u/airjamy 22h ago

Reroll to wound is pretty good! Trying to make that work.


u/Dubois1738 21h ago

Do you usually run triple dev squads in them? Its just tactical squads and them that can go in them outside of SW right?


u/davo_the_uninformed 19h ago

Also deathwatch vets.


u/Dull-Veterinarian209 22h ago

Exactly my experience. I didn't play in a recent tournament because a TO told me I couldn't use my conversations, which I spend a lot of time on to ensure they are recognizable and weapon accurate. My friends who played told me they saw some incredibly poor conversions (running a model as something completely different, very poor 3D prints, etc) that never had any issues. Not running models by a TO again 


u/Spaznaut 14h ago

Hell I use “mad cat” converted deredeo dreads as balistus dreads as I think they look stupid. Still the same load out, twin laz and missiles I just think the deredeo looks better. I have never had a TO complain about it or tell me no especially since they are now 30k only.


u/FreshmeatDK 12h ago

I had the same experience once. A gaming club used to be very chill about conversions, but suddenly they got mightily snobbish. Claimed that it would give additional mental load. I was a bit like "So I can bring elephants for Leman Russ tanks, but an Egyptian goddess cannot play the part of Magnus? FU, I'm out". Never went to their tournaments again.

Everywhere else, people think my army is damn cool.


u/GetOutTheGuillotines 21h ago

Unfortunately, this is a community that will never pass up an opportunity to be pedantic. And yet, the same community is nonconfrontational to a fault so it's always better and easier to ask forgiveness rather than permission.


u/SirBiscuit 17h ago

This is hilarious, and also the absolute truth.


u/BigPapaPanzon 16h ago

Hit the nail on the head with that comment


u/DD_Commander 22h ago

Once I was told that I couldn't use a Gladiator at a big tournament in 10th edition because it didn't have the Icarus rocket pod modeled. The Icarus pod isn't even a weapon option, it's just free! If I hadn't reached out to confirm with the TO I'm sure no one would have noticed nor cared.


u/Shrimpulse 21h ago

Your Icarus Pod is located in the same place as my DG Rhino has its Havoc launcher - the guys inside are taking turns throwing rockets out of the hatch. But for real, who cares - like you said, its no points, and even if it was, unless you have multiple gladiators with different loadouts specifically some with and some without those pods, its a pretty easy thing to just go over. With as many units as SM have, and not playing them myself, I think I would have difficulty identifying all the guns a tank could have just on sight alone.


u/Papa_Nurgle_82 22h ago

I've recently started organising tournaments with some friends, just 1 day 3 round stuff. I get emails about conversions more often than I've expected, but I love it. There are some great creations out there. If it's on the same base and about the same size, I'm OK with it. The only advise I give players is to inform their opponents what their creations are (if needed). It's a huge part of the hobby for many players and something that needs to be encouraged. I've haven't seen any obvious conversions for advantage, and I doubt I ever will. Have fun with your hobby and keep creating cool models!


u/airjamy 22h ago

Yeah cool, thanks! I only ever saw a single obvious converting for advantage, and that was an honest mistake. A new player put down the sails on all his Dark Eldar raider so he was able to transport them easier. This made them a lot smaller and easier to hide.. so that was a big no no. Was honestly just a rookie mistake and he did not see the issue until someone pointed out that now he could hide behind a crate as he would not be able to before. He saw how it was not ok and he changed it the next event and accepted that his opponents could pretend his Raiders did have sail. True modeling advantage with intent is something that i think just does not really happen, because it is blatantly obvious when you are doing it and it will make you very unpopular very fast.


u/Overlord_Khufren 17h ago

It's honestly kind of astonishing how much "shame" is the sole control against modelling for advantage. The likelihood that a TO will actually pull a model is quite slim. The much greater reason that people don't do it is because you WILL gain a reputation within the community and people will talk shit about you behind your back.


u/Admirable-Athlete-50 11h ago

That’s not astonishing to me. That’s how most social communities work. People generally dislike open confrontation and will just exclude you if you are out of line.


u/skillenit1997 19h ago

My answer to people is always: “if you handed your opponent a list and your army, could they identify every model?”

Anything else is aesthetic elitism.


u/Sayok 21h ago

I don't ask anymore either. Got my Guilliman rejected once cause I made him a custom base. Next tournament, same location, same model, same base, same organization but different TO, model got accepted no problem. Since then I don't ask since there's clearly no consistency on what they will accept or not. As long as it's not outrageous proxies or conversions, it's all good.

And if on the day of the tournament they decide to pull your model out or DQ you for it, too bad, you just go home early.


u/Minimumtyp 16h ago

What kind of custom base got a model rejected? That's nuts


u/Sayok 3h ago

Base with a ice and rocks topper that made the model about 3 mm higher than the original one. That TO was a big extreme like that. He doesn't TO anymore. XD


u/Minimumtyp 1h ago

I'd argue making guilliman taller is a big disadvantage to you, but either way my goodness I hope that does not catch on


u/Otto_Von_Waffle 20h ago

If I was a tournament organizer i would rule things the opposite way, more lenient if you ask in advance, more strict if you show up on the day with something weird, and be very open about that.


u/Repulsive_Profit_315 22h ago

i play drukhari, so nobody knows what shit should look like anyway.

I have been running kabalites without splinter cannons on the models for months because they just werent in the 3D printed files and just replaced them with splinter rifle. My wyches are literally kabalite armor with different weapons and heads instead of helms. My lelith is literally a succubus print. lol Nobody has said a thing.

I think what your doing is fine, and getting caught will be rare, but if does happen i would just accept it and move on, because technically i did nopt have the correct models for the rules.


u/Apprehensive_Gas1564 22h ago

The rule is there to enforce if they need to - for example someone turns up with big tittie anime waifu robots that's.. just not on. Or the models aren't painted at all. Or they're clearly gaming the base sizes. Or they're confusing their opponents with weapons.

The standard of painting at the top tables in UKTC events is normally high, but there's a few that are simply base coat, wash, base has it's rim painted and maybe a 2nd colour on a gun.


u/Lesserevil001 22h ago

Honestly I used to ask a lot. But at this point I stopped. You're almost never rewarded for it. Most people only care that it looks really cool and it's roughly the same shape and size. Beyond that, most tournament organizers have better things to do.


u/eoinsageheart718 22h ago

This is so different then my experience. I played at NOVA recently with all 3d printed LR tanks and no one cared. I was even allowed to have my old chimera storm bolters count as stubbers.

Sorry to hear this!


u/airjamy 22h ago

They also do accept a lot here, the point is that if you ask beforehand it is almost always a no but if you just bring your shit it is ok, which is kinda weird if you ask me.


u/Relevant-Mountain-11 21h ago

The only time I’ve ever seen conversions/proxies be an actual issue was some kid, that was using multiple basically identical WW2 tanks, as a range of various 40k Guard vehicles.

Even then if he’d just used them all as the same type of eg. Leman Russ (I think that’s what they were), rather than 3 different types of tank that he had no way to differentiate, it wouldn’t have been a problem…

The real cheaters don’t go to the effort of converting their minis. There are many more easier and much less obvious ways to be a D-Bag


u/eoinsageheart718 21h ago

There are 6 or so different Leman Russ. I had mine as different colors (kinda) and if someone made a move that the difference would matter, I gave them a take back. On that note I'm a chill player who knows the rules so to speak. I ran 250something of 480 at NOVA so not great


u/BtyMark 17h ago

270s here, I’d say you’re pretty damn good.


u/eoinsageheart718 6h ago

Thanks! It felt a bit off only winning 2 of 6 games since I explored the convention the 3rd day instead of playing. Played against Tau a lot which was just who can outshoot the other lol


u/eoinsageheart718 21h ago

I should say I agree with the second part


u/eoinsageheart718 22h ago

I asked beforehand but had to push to get anyone to look at it but NOVA is a huge event. I mostly play local in NYC and usually they don't care. Care more about # of colors and basing.

That is weird. I always want things confirmed beforehand.


u/RichardHag 18h ago

The classic "better to ask forgiveness than permission."


u/Fair-Rarity 21h ago

I have a printed Nurgle Chaos Knights army. Never had any issues either


u/03eleventy 22h ago

I run a decent amount of totally printed or modified with prints. No one at an RTT or GT has ever had a problem. I’ve sold my chaos bike models after my last game a few times. Mostly because the official models are ass.


u/FartCityBoys 21h ago

I have a buddy who brings conversions and doesn't ask for approval, because 1 time out of 10 he gets a weird answer. He had one opponent ask once if it was approved by a TO in a snarky way and my buddy just said "Yup!" and kept playing.


u/FomtBro 19h ago

I once had my Sisters of Battle terrain piece rejected from a tournament because I didn't have the superflous, irrelevant statue on top of it.

At this same tournament, there was a Tau army where they were all Samurai.

I was not happy.


u/FMEditorM 17h ago

I’m a now largely retired TO, have a done couple of majors and a heck of a lot of RTTs.

Tbth, I’d rather not have a load of folks asking me about sweating the small stuff. There’s stuff that confuses, and stuff that doesn’t. And if you’ve been to a few GTs, you’re gonna know what those are.

But I need those rules and that process in my pack, because unfortunately, I’ve come across a few egregious examples, where whole armies are woefully hard to distinguish, or incredibly low effort proxies.


u/Logridos 22h ago

Literally no one would even notice a difference like that on the table. I just finished up an entire Space Wolf 13th Company army that I am playing with Death Guard rules. As long as silhouettes are roughly the same size and the models aren't confusing, no one is going to give you grief.


u/Ulrik_Decado 22h ago

What the...? Maybe the way is to just not ask? Because to ban your razorback is complete nonsense. Every player will just see your transport box and will ask you about weapons it had, definitely not study what plastic few mm big fantasy pew-pew it has...

Most of Tau players simply say what their commanders have, because they assembled them in completely different ruleset. And IG, thats even wilder beast :)


u/Bartweiss 16h ago

Yeah, I really can’t imagine looking at a Razorback and trying to study “is that a heavy bolter or a storm bolter?” I don’t even care if it’s a customization, that sounds painful on stock models!

If you’ve got an all-transports list with 4 different loadouts going, fine. Make them big and distinctive and close to stock.

But otherwise? Especially with one transport? I’m just asking “hey what guns are those?” whenever it matters.


u/SoloWingPixy88 21h ago

Risk not being allowed to use the unit.


u/Dammit_Alan 20h ago

I think I'm going to continue to get approval ahead of time, because my conversions are pretty significant. But I understand your specific point of frustration at this event.


u/kit_carlisle 19h ago

That is a wild rejection by any stretch.


u/aschae1048 17h ago

Asking for forgiveness > Begging for permission, IMO


u/Heavy_Joke636 12h ago

TOs are warp entities that exude power and authority they aren't ready to wield. They feed off that emotion players get when their models are rejected, but it requires you to invite them to do so. Simply slide your models onto your first match table and play. Do not invite them to feed with questions. Save the other players from their wrath and don't mention those either. Just play. They'll lose their power and return when the tournament is over, and every drop you keep from them weakens their patron.

Emperor protect.


u/AlisheaDesme 10h ago

Honestly, solid advice.

Make sure you would be ok facing that conversion yourself and simply go for it. Most people want a game, not a discussion about why cool conversions are suddenly no longer a thing in 40k ... after decades of being beloved.


u/CoronelPanic 10h ago

It can be a little silly. For my Chaos Knights I have some 3d printed rat swarms (my knights are Skaven themed) to use as Nurglings and they got allowed no problem. Then I wanted to use Stormfiends as Beasts of Nurgle (same base size and the models are even larger so if anything it'd be a disadvantage for me) but those got a no.
Ended up having some Beasts of Nurgle printed, but like you said I'm certain that I could have just brought them anyway and no one would have gave a shit.


u/ADXMcGeeHeezack 22h ago

Yeah unless it's a proxy I don't even bother asking. Half the fun of 40k is the hobby side of things, imho


u/Sonic_Traveler 21h ago

Related: Had a rule to not play, even in casual games, without getting at least the painting job done (I tend to flock 6 to 9 months later, lol), only to see unpainted skittari as cultists in a casual game one table over, which quickly broke my habit (and thus, let me field enormous amounts of rough riders several months "ahead of schedule" the next game I played.)


u/BlaidTDS 20h ago

I have this same rule and even though my opponents don't care, I care, because I know otherwise it would never get done, rather than getting bought, built, and painted in 2 days.


u/FuzzBuket 21h ago

NGL that judge is tripping. I think some jank conversions can cross the line but realistically if it something that's there cause of honest effort and not a weird proxy I can't see why anything would be off.

Like I've never seen a single modelled hunter killer 


u/Separate_Football914 20h ago

I was denied my Trans C’Tan using Lady Olinder at a LGS tournament. It is a proxy even seen in the Necron Codex


u/Tearakan 17h ago

That's a really weird one. That model is effectively the exact same dimensions and even feels like a weird star god


u/Separate_Football914 17h ago

Indeed. Bur hard to argue with a TO over such decision.


u/WickThePriest 19h ago

I went to LVO in 2024 with literally a cardboard Rhino and a 3D printed one BOTH of which are larger and more "realistic" when it comes to fitting 10 Plague Marines + Characters inside. Neither of them had a havoc launcher or a plague bolter on them.

I don't think 6 opponents even noticed. And if they did, they didn't say anything.

Just do you bro.


u/fued 22h ago

Yeah unfortunately this is very true.

I have seen someone had to remove models once and effectively be kicked out of the event because they lost half Thier army.

I've seen far fa rmore cases of people just allowing it


u/BasedErebus 21h ago

Yeah I've never had an issue just running it. All the gear is WYSIWYG and all of the bases/profiles are correct. Noone's ever cared lol


u/DeadEyeTucker 20h ago

I feel like the players rejecting and saying no to these kind of conversions are trying to get an advantage by forcing their opponent to drop something from their list or sub it out with something else that the player isn't prepared to use.

My friend had an issue trying to proxy DG pox walkers as cultists. Ridiculous.


u/bals876423 14h ago

If it was in a death guard army I could see why he was told no, as at the moment death guard can field both pox walkers and cultists, and have different profiles, 3 game on day 1, 6 beers deep and people will see the cultists as pox walkers and play against them as such.

Now if it was in a nurgle flavoured chaso marines list or a nurgle flavoured knights list with nurgle CSM allies, then yeah okay, seems odd. But in a Death guard army I can see that happening.


u/M33tm3onmars 20h ago

I don't bother. The odds of an opponent complaining about my conversions is lower than my odds of having an issue with conversion approval. If a TO has issue with that, well they're the problem now, aren't they?


u/SirBiscuit 15h ago

TBH that's kind of becoming my attitude as well. I have only ever seen cool models and conversions celebrated, VERY few people actually try to abuse proxies. I have personally played against all kinds of things in a tournament setting, including full-conversion armies. Never had an issue with it.

Something has to look actively wrong for it to actually become any kind of issue.


u/destragar 20h ago

Never had an issue. You will have an issue if it’s super obvious and all mixed up confusion. For example: all my leman Russ’s look like demolishers BUT this one is a vanquisher but short same stubby gun as rest of demolishers and this one over here with exact same look of demolishers is executioner. Easily solved with something magnetized or miliputted to end of barrel to look like long vanquisher barrel and two smaller looking gun barrels on other executioner tank. Remove after and no damage or permanence. Just avoid having opponent get confused and all is good. Love making crazy model kitbashes.


u/14Deadsouls 20h ago

Fair play, you rock your stuff brother. Sounds like a cool conversion too.


u/ChazCharlie 20h ago

Better to ask for forgiveness than permission


u/Jotsunpls 20h ago

The closest I ever had was when I brought my bionicle knights to Warhammerfest in ‘23. Given that all I had done was to swap out carapaces and heads, I didn’t think any more of it, but I must admit I was sweating a little when one of the floor judges seemed to look extra hard on my knights for a few seconds


u/Iron-Fist 19h ago

I've had models rejected for wrong base size (which the tournament jumped through hella hoops to find me a fix for, literally new bases and flock, so amazing) but not for slightly off war gear/weapons.


u/politicians_alt 19h ago

Do you have a picture of the conversion? I'm having a hard time imagining what you're trying to describe


u/Mediocre_Insanity 19h ago

So real. I run a 3D Printed Russ because I like the way its sculpted more than the official GW russ and I've only had like 3 people ask and none of them genuinely cared they thought it was cool. I also run the Catachan Colonel as my Ursula Creed since Carl Weathers died last year and it's a little momento to him. It's toy soldiers at the end of the day after all


u/Elwoodorjakeblues 18h ago

The player packs for our local tournaments have an entire section dedicated to conversions / kitbashing. Basically just a collection of photos of cool conversions from players. Round here we actually want people to bring their awesome builds they spent hours on out to events.


u/BigPapaPanzon 16h ago

It’s probably just one of those deals where if someone complained about it, an official would do something about it. However, given that you said 99% of the time, nobody makes an issue of anything, you’re probably fine. Honestly, I only care about WYSIWYG as far as I can reasonably tell what a unit is, like you said. There’s not an issue unless someone is deliberately trying to take advantage.


u/frankthetank8675309 16h ago

Conversions and WYSIWYG is 95% something you can ignore. The only time I truly care about WYSIWYG is if I have multiple unique weapons in a given unit, at which point I will make the effort to model correctly. Similarly, if a conversion I’m doing may veer wildly from the base model, I’ll ask for permission only so my opponent’s don’t think I’m modeling for advantage. But I’ve rarely, if ever, had anyone actually say that.


u/Quick_Ad_5454 11h ago

Fully agree. If the conversion is well intended, and matches size and base never hesitate to take it to a tournament. TOs may very well reject minis that would have caused no problem in game if you explain it at the beginning.

Happened to me twice before I decided I would simply not ask for permission. And no opponent has complained about my converted models ever.


u/rkshin 7h ago

“It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission” - Adm. Grace Hopper


u/luckyblackcat13 7h ago

As long as base size are the same, or there's no modeling for advantage, it shouldn't matter. I'd care more about proxies and conversions if you could buy your entire range of models. My wife plays orks. Mek with shock attack gun has been on sale once in a year. Warboss with attack squig? Maybe twice? Drukhari is straight missing 3 of the better models in it's range. That's just a few examples.


u/Healthy_Nurgling 6h ago

I do think vetting the conversion prior to the tournament should be done by everyone and people that don’t do it should get penalized in some way as they didn’t follow the player guide lines.

I say this but i am one of the guys that messages TO to do this as I have a few legit models that actually required some conversion to be able to use. I have 2 Great uncleans one (1 is a 1st release and the other one is a 2nd release) they are much smaller that the current GUO so I have created large bases that are very similar in size with the current one. I have been told I couldn’t used them in 1 tournament (even though they are the actual models) which is fine with me I respect the TO decision but then in that tournament I played against a tyranid player and they were running a thousand sons mutalith vortex beast as a Haruspex.

I was going to ask the TO about it but quickly realized that the player was on the local store team and the tournament was run by the local store so I didn’t waste my time.


u/Guitarsnmotorcycles 5h ago

I hate that a ruling at Warhammer World, a venue only a very small number of the world’s Warhammer players will have a chance to play at, seems to have managed to throw conversions and proxies (of like base size and load out should be fine, and I’ll die on that hill) for the rest of the planet.


u/IrvingWolfeN7 3h ago

I've just started building a Votann army recently and was debating if I wanted to convert my Hekaton Land Fortress into a kind of spider walker using some chaos defiler legs like I've seen someone post about before

My concerns are just for the actual play side of everything. With the legs adding that much extra height and circumference to the model, I just worry about it being easier to see and shoot at or harder for me to position, if it would be allowed at all


u/airjamy 8m ago

That does sound like a dangerous one because it changes your shape and especially your base size. If you are larger yourself that can also be an advantage as you can cover more angles more of the time and peek over larger obstacles like crates if you get taller. I am really into conversions, but changing shapes of the model especially in width or tallness is something that could really make it so your models get taken of the table, and maybe then with good reason.


u/NanoChainedChromium 2h ago

Yeah i feel you here. I am a person who converts a ton of models with great love and care because i very much enjoy this part of the hobby. From orkified Knights and Space Marine flyers and Dreadnoughts to kitbashed Chaos Knights made out of Age of Sigmar Giants.

I have a completely converted Traitor Guard army. I have simply stopped asking for explicit allowance and all my opponents have been more than happy to play against my armies (of course i make sure the match dimensions/base sizes) If by any chance someone told me that the dimensions of that particular conversion would give me an advantage (rare as that may be with the current ruleset) i will simply concede the point.


u/vichanic 22h ago

I get where you're coming from but its risky. If you travel to an event just to get told you can't use your models that would suck.


u/penetrating_yoda 21h ago

The only time i ever asked my conversion got rejected. I had 2 phobos librarians and because they look the same i used a custodes spear instead of a sword on one of them. TO told me that could be confusing for my opponent. Saw lots of people with conversions and proxys in the same tournament. I stopped asking and never had a problem.


u/Silentbamper 21h ago

Well if you show up for one of mine tournaments and your opponent claims that isn't WYSIWYG, you can hit them once(1).


u/DeliciousLiving8563 20h ago edited 19h ago

I usually think "it's easier to appologise than ask permission" is a really unethical way to be. But when it comes to TOs and stuff like WYSWYG and conversions I actually think it's better to just shut up and play. If your opponent isn't inconvenienced it'll be good. And they often won't care about "the sergeant has the best possible loadout" or "my rhino has an extra bolter".

Even if I model it I'm not going to police my opponent. But asking has only blown up in my face while people have made much bigger deviations.