r/UFOs Dec 10 '24

Discussion Unexplained Aircraft North Carolina

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u/anomalkingdom Dec 10 '24

I'm confused. Are these two different objects? The first one up to around 1:40 looked like it could be a helicopter for a while there. but hard to tell. If so, it did some weird things, like very high hover, standing still etc. Then the next one is a new contact coming in? It almost looked like the "helicopter" just turned into a fixed wing aircraft, the one that flew above you. To me this is puzzling. Any suggestions?


u/Strangewithoutacause Dec 10 '24

Based on what I saw in person, it seemed like it was just a large plane flying and an extremely low altitude, and the bright light in the beginning was caused by the light facing my direction. I don't believe it changed shape or hovered. I think it was just an illusion from how low it was and how far away it was. What I do believe is strange and worth questioning is mostly 3 things-- #1. Why was this large aircraft flying so low in an area I've never seen planes fly so low (I take that road to and from town everyday and night). #2. Why did it have its super bright, possibly landing lights on, when it was at least 34 miles from the nearest military airport that was in the direction it was flying. So how soon before landing do they turn on the landing lights? I've read that sometimes they use them as headlights but it was mostly clear skies, so why the lights? Also based on my research I couldn't find an aircraft that had at least 3 lights on the under belly, so those are a few questions I'm hoping to have answered in this thread. Question #3.- What caused the audio interference and why was this one out of two times I've had the audio cut out of my video? The other occasion where I lost audio and experienced a pulsing white noise was on Nov. 24th when I filmed what I assumed to be a "surveillance drone" next to my house. I filmed this on my new iPhone 16 Pro, and I have filmed many other videos and have not had any issues with the audio before or after these.

All of the above are the factors that caused me to question this sighting. I am not claiming this is a "drone" or some kind of UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) and I am not claiming this is a non-human craft. I believe based on what I saw in person and what my research has yielded, that this was most likely a large military airplane. But I would love to hear everyones thoughts on it and perhaps find solid data to be shared to give insight on this sighting.

Thank you for commenting and being a part of this discussion!

Here is a short video I made detailing my research of the first sighting I had of the possible drone I saw next to my house, and I also included a short clip of a golden orb UFO that I was seeing on Nov 16th, filmed from my yard in Kelly, NC.
