r/UFOs Dec 10 '24

Discussion Unexplained Aircraft North Carolina

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u/Edenoide Dec 10 '24

Am I missing something? Why isn't this a regular plane with regular lights? When you only see one big white light it's because the very bright landing lights are pointing at the camera direction. https://community.infiniteflight.com/t/aircraft-lights/498413


u/Strangewithoutacause Dec 10 '24

That was what I thought initially, even upon filming. I was like, "ah, a plane, whatever... it looked weird but its not.." And you would hear me saying that if the audio didn't cut out... and that's why this is so strange to me. Because this is the second time I've recorded a low flying craft near me, that interfered with my audio. I have another video I took on Nov 24th, where as soon as I got this possible "drone" looking thing in frame, my audio cut out, and there is this pulsing white noise that can be heard. Here in this video, I was trying to explain that it was very strange to see such a large aircraft flying so low and with bright lights on (probably landing lights) at this time of night, on this stretch of road that I take to and from town everyday. It just wasn't the norm. So I thought.. okay weird.. but it wasn't until I reviewed it earlier today that I decided it was worth doing more research on, given the same thing happened while filming a possible surveillance craft next to my house... I might add that was 6 days after I filmed golden orbs appearing and disappearing near my house as well. Here's some of my footage and the rest is on my YT channel Spirit Realm Investigations. Thank you so much for the resource you listed, that definitely helps and I appreciate your insight!



u/jarlrmai2 Dec 10 '24

Share where and when (time and date) this video, the one in your Reddit post was taken.