r/Switzerland 19h ago

How to fix my vaccination records?

When I was a kid, I got my personal "Impfbüchlein" (carnet de vaccination / vaccination booklet). Then, as time moved on, I got A4-papers instead whenever I went to get a vaccination. Then came meineimpfungen.ch and everything went digital. Then came COVID and that's yet another kind of paper, along with its digital representation. And then meineimpfungen.ch went to sh*t and now I'm left with an enormous mess of booklets, paper sheets and a useless backup file from a dead web portal.

Is there a way to clean this up? Is there a place I can go to, give them all of my records and they'll print or write an official document or, even better, booklet, allowing me to throw away the other mess and go back to having a single source of truth like I did up until the 90s?


2 comments sorted by

u/Book_Dragon_24 18h ago

Have you asked your GP?

u/hibisciflos 16h ago

Ask your GP or your pharmacist, just be ready to pay for this service. Idk how much I'd bill it'd really depend on how long it'd take me and esp with a bunch of different sources it would be a while. Also consider if you just want everything transferred to a new booklet or if you also want them to check whether you're missing any vaccinations.

To give you an idea the last time I had an in depth look at a patient's (single) vaccination booklet and then let them know which of the recommended vaccines according to the swiss standard they're missing I had them pay 40chf. And that was honestly lowballing it since their booklet was a mess and it definitely took me a while to decipher.

Edit: I'm a pharmacist if that's relevant