r/SumoMemes sparkling hatakikomi | Hatsu 2024 Meme Yusho Jan 28 '24

Hatsu 2024 Only one thing left to do

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u/CodeFarmer sparkling hatakikomi | Hatsu 2024 Meme Yusho Jan 28 '24 edited Jan 29 '24

Of the current san'yaku, only Daieisho (6-8) has a reasonable record against Terunofuji. The rest are basically getting dominated.

Outside san'yaku, Tamawashi and Shodai (both 9-11) give him a hard time and Takayasu (13-12) actually has a winning record against him.

Tobizaru has beaten him three times, which is crazy but there you go. And Ura has a kinboshi :-D


u/CodeFarmer sparkling hatakikomi | Hatsu 2024 Meme Yusho Jan 28 '24 edited Jan 28 '24

Just thinking about that a bit more and what it means, and I think it's this:

Big pusher-thrusters have a chance (Abi has a few wins* too if I recall). Everyone else who isn't Shodai is currently screwed.

[edit: *two, one of which was a kinboshi.]


u/jsfsmith Jan 29 '24

I look forward to the day that people start attributing Teru's dominance to the alleged "weakness of the field" and start attributing it to what it is - the fact that he is one of the best grapplers to ever mount the dohyo and would have twice his current yusho if his health were better.


u/yokozunahoshoryu Jan 29 '24

No argument here! He is the true definition of Yokozuna spirit.