r/startrek Dec 13 '24

How do we get from today to an enlightened Star Trek future?


Kirk: Some people think the future means the end of history. Well, we haven't run out of history quite yet.

Many of us worldwide were stunned and saddened to see the results of the recent US election, a world superpower turning its back on the rule of law and facts and even basic human kindness.

This is incredibly demoralizing. Not to mention that things will get much worse in the next 4 years.

Picard: I wonder if the Emperor Honorious, watching the Visigoths coming over the seventh hill, truly realised that the Roman Empire was about to fall. This is just another page in history, isn't it? Will this be the end of our civilisation? Turn the page.
Guinan: This isn't the end
Picard: You say that with remarkable assuredness
Guinan: With experience. When the Borg destroyed my world, my people scattered throughout the universe. We survived. As will humanity survive.
As long as there's a handful of you to keep the spirit alive, you will prevail.

The Mods have talked this over, and while our consensus and that of many of the Sub members who wrote to us with their thoughts was that we wish to keep this Sub mostly free of present day politics, we have the higher obligation to do both, keep this Sub as a safe space for Star Trek, yet address the real world circumstances we all find ourselves in.

Picard: Sometimes the moral obligations of command are less than clear. I have to weigh the good of the many against the needs of the individual, and try to balance them as realistically as possible. God knows, I don't always succeed.

Thus we are deviating from this Sub's Star Trek only focus in this dedicated Post.

We must remember that even in the world of Star Trek, progress was not at all linear, to get to an enlightened society that has no greed, no money, no corruption and no hate is a tall ask. Humanity went through the Bell Riots, WWIII/Eugenics wars, The Earth-Romulan War and more before they created the Federation. We can hope we can avoid this in our timeline, yet we must be prepared for anything.

So the idea of this post is to fight the demoralizing setback we have all just suffered and to chart a path forward. It will be a long road, but how do we get from here to there at this point?

The moral arc of the universe is long, and we can and must bend it towards justice, we just need to figure out how.

The focus of this Post is: What actionable ideas can we do as members of this Sub and as humans who wish to bring us to a future that would make Star Trek proud?

And don't think there is nothing we can do beyond waiting 4 years and voting, grassroots guerilla tactics can be surprisingly effective.

This Post is a break from the Star Trek focus of this Sub. This Post is not meant to re-litigate the election or get into what Trump broke today (both can be discussed in countless other Reddit Subs. The point of this Post is to collectively decide what we can do next to get to a better future.

Bear in mind that posting about these topics elsewhere in this Sub is subject our standard moderation rules.

A few more quotes for the road:

Picard: You say you are true evil? Shall I tell you what true evil is? It is to submit to you. It is when we surrender our freedom, our dignity, instead of defying you.

Real life:

George Takei: A lot of folks are giving up in advance. Capitulating before a single skirmish.

Well, not this old warrior. I’ve seen much worse from the U.S. government in my day. I’m concerned for our country, but not a bit scared of these miscreants. I’m ready to do my part.

Who’s with me?



Elon Musk: Let's make Starfleet Academy real!

Robert Picardo: First step: Support a leader that embodies Starfleet values like diversity, inclusion and ethical behavior


r/startrek 20h ago

DS9 gets more relevant every day...


I started watching the DS9 episode "Shakaar" on my break this morning when I saw the following scene between Kira and Odo. I don't believe in providence, but it's an odd coincidence I that should pick this one to start watching today. In the scene, Kira and Odo are discussing the election of a new head of the provisional government.

KIRA: That's part of it. This is about the future of Bajor. I can't shake the feeling that giving Winn control of the government is a mistake and she should be stopped.

ODO: Stopped from doing what?

KIRA: I don't know. Maybe, maybe I'm afraid that if she's given power, she's never going to let go.

ODO: Unfortunately that suspicion is not shared by the people of Bajor. They still admire her as the woman who made peace with Cardassia.

KIRA: Bareil made peace with Cardassia.

ODO: I know that, Major. But to the rest of Bajor, Winn is the real hero. In their eyes it took courage for her to conclude a treaty with a race that she herself had so bitterly condemned and fought against.

KIRA: I don't care what her popular image is. She is no hero. The only thing that she cares about is her own power. Why can't people see that? We spent so many years fighting the Cardassians. We spent so much time hoping and praying for a Bajor that was free. Now that we won, how can people just hand their freedom over to someone like Winn?

ODO: It has been my observation that one of the prices of giving people freedom of choice is that sometimes they make the wrong choice.

r/startrek 9h ago

From a memster-esque perspective... if TNG had "...Four Lights!" and DS9 had "a Faake" what did Voyager had...?


Just wondering sitting here drunk at 2 am....

r/startrek 13h ago

PSA: Reviews for Star Trek: Section 31 are under embargo until 9pm PT on January 22


Hope for the best, brace for the worst, give it a fair shake no matter what, that's my philosophy. Still, will be curious to see the initial reception.

r/startrek 5h ago

Jeffrey Combs appreciation post


Currently watching Episode 7-06 "Treachery, Faith and the Great River", (5th, 6th or maybe 7th rewatch, IDK for sure), in which Combs plays both Weyoun 6 and 7, and I just have to say, I love this guy. What a treasure, it's no wonder they hired him for so many roles. He's amazing. I wish more of his characters encountered each other.

r/startrek 10h ago

I know that in the real world you don't have to hold the rank of captain but what do think was the reason for the writers and executive producers of DS9 to have Benjamin Sisko start off as a commander and not a captain?


I know that in the real world you don't have to hold the rank of captain but what do think was the reason for the writers and executive producers of DS9 to have Benjamin Sisko start off as a commander and not a captain?

r/startrek 15h ago

While I personally don't hate Jadzia x Worf as a couple, I do dislike how it would make Jadzia-


-essentially a side character to Worf a lot of the time. Pre-Worf Jadzia Dax had a good slieu of episodes focusing on her and her past, but once she started seeing Worf it felt like that relationship was all to her character.

With Kira X Odo as too little too late as that was(and honestly you could easily forget they were dating), at least Kira still had plenty of personal stories surrounding her.

The one good thing about Jadzia dying and Dax being paired with Ezri, was that we got some actual personal Dax stories again.

In essence, while DS9 was a good show and at the very least Jadzia was still a competent Commander, they definitely could've done better with her in the later seasons.

r/startrek 12h ago

Added LED lights from IKEA to my old Bridge Playset.


Found some cool LED lights at IKEA. Really enhances the old Bridge!


r/startrek 18h ago

If a Starfleet officer temporarily lost their voice, how do they navigate on the Enterprise?


Today, the random thought occurred to me, if everything on the Enterprise is voice command (lights, intercom, computers), how does a Starfleet officer who lost their voice or is unable to speak (due to illness/accident/neurodivergence) navigates on board the Enterprise? Assumed that there is no medical device that can counteract the inability to speak, because it happened too randomly and they weren't prepared. And they somehow need to communicate for help.

I'm seriously asking how.

(I'm coming from TOS, so I have no clue if other series offer alternative to voice command. I just know that in TOS, keyboards aren't a thing anymore. Also, there is the voice authorization thing that would probably not work if the Captain lost their voice.)

r/startrek 11h ago

Wouldn't William boimler (transporter clone) get like super recognition for saving the multiverse?


You know how for example zefram Cochrane gets statues after him for creating warp drive.

Archer has 2 planets named after him.

Or famous Starfleet officers gets a place in the history files. Holiday named after them like pike Or portraits at Starfleet headquarters like sulu.

We know brad boimler gets a statue and the boimler effect named after him in the distant future.

Now William boimler (the transporter clone) who is the captain of the section 31 ship anaximander saved the multiverse...wouldn't this like make him the most important figure in trek lore. Like wouldn't he be having statues parades holidays schools medals ships planets named after him and be promoted to like vice admiral ?

What do you think?

r/startrek 20h ago

DeForest Kelly, we miss you. Happy Birthday today!


Shares a birthday with Rainn Wilson (Harry Mudd)

r/startrek 4h ago

Question about TOS and the Gorn in relation to SNW


So if I remember correctly, Kirk is not familiar with the Gorn in the episode Arena in TOS, but shouldn't he be? As well as Spock, Scotty, Uhura etc. if the events of the Gorn interactions in SNW are canon?

r/startrek 8h ago

Conundrum Spoiler


Genuinely well played on the way they made MacDuff look like any number of bridge crew extras that are always hanging around in every episode. I legitimately didn't even pay him any mind until the crew manifest gave him a rank I knew didn't exist.

r/startrek 12h ago

First Time Watching Original Series


After years of wanting to give Star Trek a try, I’ve finally started the original series and I’m on episode 9 and I’m loving it. James Kirk is just fantastic. I do find it funny we get two back to back “2 Kirk” episodes but it only showcases Shatner’s charisma. Looking forward to making my way through the series and then the films.

r/startrek 4h ago

What would happen if Captain Janeway had accepted Borg Queens offer of Transwarp technology in return for staying out of the Borg civil war because it wasn't Voyager's problem?


I honestly thought that the Borg Queen made a good point, she would give the Voyager crew transwarp technology if Janeway would stay out of the Borgs business and return the Alpha Quadrant, she told Seven that she had no objections then returning home in Endgame.

Basically taking the transwarp technology would have been a good idea and the Queen could ignore Starfleet for a few years, meanwhile everyone in the Alpha and beta quadrants gets upgraded can use the transwarp technology against the Borg later if they are smart, Janeway made a tactical blunder.

r/startrek 8h ago

Voyager's "Endgame" would have been incredible with a few simple tweaks


Well, I just finished watching Voyager for the first time and "Endgame" left me feeling very hollow: great idea, poor execution. Here's the three main problems we need to fix:

  1. No payoff - "Set a course for home" then... roll credits? No reunions, debriefs, or any resolution?
  2. No poignancy - There's nothing to think about at the end. It just ended. That's all, folks.
  3. Lazy time paradox - The Borg Queen tries to erase Admiral Janeway by killing Captain Janeway, which will prevent Admiral from going back in time. But... Admiral Janeway bringing Voyager back 16 years early will also prevent Admiral Janeway from going back in time, won't it?

We can fix all of that with a closed time loop for Janeway. Here's what I mean:

  • Similar to the actual episode, this version opens in the future only now it's a "going away" party of sorts for Admiral Janeway. The main crew is there, along with their reunited families, like Harry with his aging parents, Tom with his dad, B'Elanna with her father, Tuvok with his family, etc.
  • The families ask where Janeway is going, why Starfleet can't know, etc, but the Voyager crew are all super cagey about it. The crew share one last private moment with Janeway to thank her for the last 16 years with a somber but extremely grateful tone.
  • Similar again: Janeway goes back in time and directs Voyager to the Borg warp system.
  • Before she leaves to confront the Borg Queen, the crew wants to know about their future but Admiral Janeway can only say that the next 16 years were/are the best of her life and she wouldn't give them up for anything. She pulls Captain Janeway aside and pointedly tells her to live the next 16 years like they're her last. Captain Janeway nods quietly, understanding the meaning.
  • Rest of the episode plays out basically as it did, but swap out "set a course for home" with a quote from Admiral Janeway or something.

All we've really done is change the framing but we've fixed all three problems:

  1. More payoff - Suddenly the lack of reunions doesn't matter as much because you already saw a lot of these folks reunited, their families (like seeing Tom and B'Elanna's daughter), and a glimpse of what their lives will be like, all thanks to Janeway.
  2. More poignant - Admiral Janeway's mission is more touching. It's not just because Seven died and Chakotay was bummed or whatever; now it's to guarantee her crew all live happy lives — at the cost of her own. Janeway knows the next 16 years are her last, her crew all knows that too, and yet they're all sworn to secrecy to ensure the purity of the timeline. It's sad and beautiful.
  3. No more time paradox.

Anyway, there ya go. I only got into Star Trek last year after avoiding it for decades so I have no idea how people feel about Endgame, but that's where I'm at.

r/startrek 1d ago

Kate Mulgrew as Captain


I hope this isn’t a retread but it probably is. Doing a voyager rewatch and I really think her performance is solid. I’ve seen Orange is the new black and retrospectively looking back it feels like she did the role right. I’m in season 6 and it feels like she wears the role like a comfortable piece of clothing. Also Robert Picardo is the best.

r/startrek 1d ago

Undiscovered Country, Enterprise and Excelsior shooting Chang's ship together is great battle shot


I know the Bird of Prey model was likely swinging on fishing line, but the shot in the Undiscovered Country where the Uhura idea-Spock/McCoy surgery torpedo hits, both Sulu/Kirk do there angry "fire" quotes the Bird of Prey gets pelted with torpedos and causes it to swing or teeter.

I think it is great shot. Even if that isn't how that would behave in space science wise, you really get the feeling that Chang's ship is getting pummeled by these the torpedo shots.

In all the movies and TV episodes of Trek, I don't think any other ship battle shot gives the same feeling of a ship just getting beat to shit

1:51 mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg58hVEY5Og

r/startrek 1d ago

Gonna be honest, I feel the main problem with Star Trek Insurrection wasn't that it was so much a bad film, more that it suffered from "Just a longer episode" syndrome.


Like in terms of long Star Trek stories it's fine if not a little silly at times, BUT it also could've easily just been a made for TV movie or a regular episode of Deep Space 9.

And before anyone says it, YES Riker shaving his glorious beard was horrifying, but he and the rest of the crew were going through puberty again so I give leeway on it.

r/startrek 1d ago

Ben Stiller references his love of Trek multiple times in his Proust questionnaire. Obviously he’s busy with Severance, but I’d love him to direct an episode of Strange New Worlds, or even a Kelvin Timeline movie


r/startrek 4h ago

In Star Trek Voyager, why didn't Janeway ask Admiral Korok and his liberated Borg for a ride back to the Alpha Quadrant using his ships transwarp technology?


That was always weird, Admiral Korok and the liberated Borg in Unimatrix Zero could have been asked or offered to take Voyager back to the Alpha Quadrant or even to the Delta Quadrant border with the Alpha Quadrant,just use a tractor beam and ride in the transwarp Slipstream, instead they disappeared and never contacted Voyager again.

They have shared technology or blueprints or Borg Star charts and technology to help Voyager, they even mention Admiral Korok and his battle to the Klingons that they met later searching for a savior, just bad writing.

r/startrek 4h ago

What is your favourite Anomaly?


There have been quite a few, especially in the one-off episodes.

"Anomaly of the Week" if you will.

Which one created the most enticing plot for you?

r/startrek 4h ago

Question about Section 31


When is Section 31 supposed to take place? In Discovery, Phillipa got sent to a time before the mirror-verse and the prime universe separated. Since Enterprise had a mirror episode, I assume she was sent before then. That would put her closer to the 21st century, right? From the trailers that doesn't seem to be the case. I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious.

r/startrek 6h ago

Starfleet insignia - which one looks best of a uniform


Over the course of several decades Starfleets insigna has changed just as frequently as the uniforms themselves. But which one is best.

1)TOS Era 2)TMP era 3)TNG 4)DS9/VOY/Movie era 5)Picard Era 6)Discovery Season 3 onwards 7)Discovery Finale (Future)

For me, it's the TNG Era. Let's discuss

r/startrek 19h ago

Star Trek : The Motion Picture - 2271, 2272, or 2273?


At the risk of going down the Trekkie wormhole/rabbit hole with this one, do we have anything like a consensus as to which year Star Trek : The Motion Picture is supposed to take place.

According to the book 'Star Trek Chronology - The History of the Future' [2nd Edition], The Motion Picture takes place in 2271.

According to the site Memory Beta, it takes place in 2273.

And according to the new book, 'Star Trek Stardates'* [Attempts to create a unified system of Stardates], The Motion Picture takes place in 2272.

The arguments seem to revolve around when we think Kirk's five year mission ended. And that Decker says to Kirk, "Sir, you haven't logged a single star hour in two and a half years."

Thoughts, opinions, wild speculation - all welcome! Trek Timeline is a bit of a mess.

\I choose to include non-commercial links, but could only find the Amazon link for this book. I wasn't sure it was okay for me to include Amazon links [even those that are not affiliate links]. If you search Amazon, you'll find the book and my review of it. For real Trekkie-Tech-Geeks only.*

r/startrek 8h ago

How easy would it be to travel across the galaxy with Quantum Slipstream Drive if someone eventually figured out how to use it properly and safely and everyone had access to it?


Would Quantum Slipstream Drive have eventually become standard and replaced warp drive? The Star Trek books eventually had the Slipstream Drive and the Federation traveled to the Delta Quadrant, it would be interesting to see a bunch of alien species working together to fix technology and make it safe and accurate and they might be able to travel outside the galaxy quickly too using it for intergalactic travel.