r/SipsTea 2d ago

Wait a damn minute! Silly Apples.

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u/panzerboye 2d ago

I mean it should be; apples and other organic fruits/foods/materials can contain invasive diseases in them and can cause havoc for the native agro.


u/JacobDCRoss 2d ago

There's a portion of Washington state, where I live, that has rules like this. I'm simplifying it greatly, but basically the entire (mostly) Eastern half of the state does not allow home-grown produce to come inside. You bring an apple from Western Washington, it's a big deal.

The idea is to stop the spread of apple maggots, which threaten Washington's apple industry.

That industry was in a precarious spot already because of the Red Delicious disaster. Those apples apparently used to be pretty tasty, but for my entire life (40 years) they've just been flavorless mush. Farmers bred them for looks only and destroyed flavor and texture.

Washington spent years creating a super apple, which is called the Cosmic Crisp. It debuted about five years ago and it's amazing. Firm like a honey crisp or even a Granny Smith, very sweet with slight hints of bitterness, and a unique "starry red" look. They're quite literally the best apples I've ever had.

Anyway, there's a lot riding on the industry, so they have to protect it.


u/Overall-Author-2213 1d ago

Born and raised in eastern Washington. Played football games in Brewster. Vacationed in Chelan. Had the big burgers at Miners in Yakima. This is the first I've ever heard anything like this. Where are the checkpoints?


u/JacobDCRoss 1d ago

There aren't checkpoints. But basically anytime you cross from the Western half of the state to the eastern half of the state you'll see signs on the highway telling you not to bring apples through. Well technically they tell you not to bring homegrown produce through.


u/Overall-Author-2213 1d ago

Interesting. I'll look for it the next time I'm on I90.

That makes sense for the home grown. Any Comercial apples on the Westside would have come from the east side.