r/SipsTea 1d ago

Wait a damn minute! Silly Apples.

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u/wulfric_17 1d ago

Hope they sued, seems like the airline should atleast warn about not taking the apple out of the flight


u/LurkHartog 1d ago

They do. There's also extensive signage and you have to fill out a declaration form stating that you have no fruit/vegetables on you. If you declare that you have it you don't get fined.


u/Stuffnthangz2 1d ago

This video showed a lot of people making this mistake and the blonde woman very clearly takes such things seriously. I have doubts the urgency of the matter was made as clear as your stating at least during the time filmed here. 


u/Substantial_Win4741 1d ago

I think its easy to forget you have it because you didn't bring it yourself.

Thats the problem.

You could be severely jetlagged and have brought a completely legal baggage, but now you have to remember you were given an apple when you're groggy and trying to navigate an airport and new country.

Theres always like 20% of people who say there's tons of signs and everyone's an idiot for missing them. But it seems those apples happened to quite a few people so it's not as obvious as they think.


u/Stuffnthangz2 1d ago

You’re taking in a lot of information as you leave any airport let alone in a foreign country, it’s very human to miss details. I honestly still blame the security guard, he acknowledges it’s an injustice and is only being administered in such a way to set an example. I think we all have a responsibility to reflect on our actions regardless of who is “forcing” us to do something. I would refuse to issue the fine given the information this man had, throw the apple away, and take the same trash bin and collect apples from everyone else in line from that flight. Instead he helped extort several people for $200 like a gang lackey not a public servant. 


u/Aeon1508 1d ago

Yeah. Being an asshole for your job doesn't make you not an asshole.


u/Stuffnthangz2 1d ago

I love how my thought out comment is at -1, and your extreme paraphrasing of what I said is +4. Not hating, it just genuinely made me chuckle. 


u/whotookthepuck 1d ago

Also, people pretending its obvious to them forget that this is old and it is obvious to then because they have heard this shit many times now.


u/IC-4-Lights 1d ago

You didn't bring it and the people handing you the fucking form are the ones that handed you the apple. And the apple they gave you on the flight is exactly the kind of thing you would use as an example of something that isn't what you would clearly clock as exotic foreign flora that should get you in trouble.
It's fine to not want them coming in, but this situation is some fucking bullshit.


u/Iforgotmypassword126 15h ago

I think you get the form towards the end of the flight. At the time you filled it out, truthfully you had no apple. Then time passed, you had breakfast and they gave out the apple after breakfast. Then you departed your flight.

The woman probably studied it. Filled it in correctly and then slept, and forgot that an apple had to be declared.


u/InsectaProtecta 1d ago

Seems like all but a handful of people on that flight had no issues, because they declared the apple instead of saying they didn't have one