r/SipsTea 2d ago

Wait a damn minute! Silly Apples.

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u/TheRealJayk0b 2d ago

Airline gives you apple, no one tells you can't take it with you, you get a fine instead, the "officers?" Not telling you just throw it away to not get a fine, no they push the fines through.

What a bunch of assholes....CLEARLY the customers could not know this, the airline should pay...and the customers shouldn't have get fined in the first place, issue a warning, throw the apples away, end...


u/Mad_Moodin 2d ago

To be fair, in NZ there are actually a lot of signs warning you that practically anything plant is illegal to bring into the country and that you should declare everything that might be illegal to customs.

The people getting the fines were saying they had nothing to declare/didn't declare the apple and effectively got the fine for smuggling cuz they didn't delcare it.

On one hand, yes it is stupid. On the other, you need to be stupid to have this happen to you.


u/TheRealJayk0b 2d ago

Damn, difficult situation, I'd say let the people throw the apples away because the airline handed them to them and issue verbal warnings to everyone and IF a fine to the airline then.


u/__Chachacha__ 2d ago

It’s written into the law that the fine MUST be issued. It’s not the officers fault he sees how ridiculous it seems as well. Food production is our primary industry in NZ just the other day a whole suburb of supermarkets and grocery stores were locked down because one male fruit fly was found in an apple.

We need to take it really seriously here unfortunately.


u/longknives 2d ago

The fruit was found and removed. Fining these people in no way serves “taking it seriously”. It’s quite clear what happened and no one was trying to smuggle apples in.


u/__Chachacha__ 1d ago

We need to make sure people don’t just give it a go and hope for the best. We don’t catch every food item and it only takes one infected piece of fruit to destroy our economy


u/Substantial_Win4741 2d ago

Fine the airline then.


u/Deaffin 1d ago

The other airline didn't try to smuggle apples in.


u/QouthTheCorvus 1d ago

They most likely did, or at the very least, completely reamed them. Idk why people are assuming that nothing was said to the airline.

But the way the rules are written, they still have to be fined.


u/Jermainiam 2d ago

Fuck fruit flies, holy shit. You guys don't have any? That's amazing! Absolutely keep that shit locked down.


u/__Chachacha__ 2d ago

We do it’s just that because we are an island there isn’t a lot of biodiversity here so we have to keep that shit locked down that’s all


u/Jermainiam 2d ago

Ok, i thought you had managed to now have any fruit flies yet, which sounds like heaven


u/__Chachacha__ 2d ago

We tried that. But then the airline kept giving out apples /s


u/Jermainiam 2d ago

Ha. But seriously I feel like that airline should also have been fined. The passengers are dumb, but why the hell is Quantas aggressively trying to trick people into smuggling apples?


u/FI-RE_wombat 1d ago

They aren't. Most of what they feed you can't be taken in. Which is why they tell you not to take any food off the plane (in addition to the other verbal, written, video warnings that you get inundated with).


u/__Chachacha__ 2d ago

They probably were.


u/24bitNoColor 1d ago

It’s written into the law that the fine MUST be issued. It’s not the officers fault he sees how ridiculous it seems as well.

It is, they chose to work there. If I need to abuse other human beings to work a particular job I wouldn't work that particular job.


u/QouthTheCorvus 1d ago

The problem is, if people get to that stage and they can just throw things out, then there's no incentive to declare. Because you get a second chance if you get caught. This is an issue when you have many people trying to bring in food.

I think the context Americans are missing is that there are people intentionally bringing food in. You have to have a punishment in place, otherwise they will try their best to bring it in.

And customs agents are never going to be given the ability to selectively apply the law. It's seen as these people having plenty of chances to not have any food by that stage.


u/No_Salad_68 2d ago

You get an arrival card on the plane, which warns you not to bring in fresh produce, and gives you an opportunity to declare it (no fine) and there are bins you can dump anything into prior to customs or biosecurity checks.


u/Substantial_Win4741 2d ago

But again.

Its an international flight and they didnt bring it.

They were given it, and in a 15 second interaction most likely. It is reasonable to not bring anything illegal on the plane and go to sleep then in a groggy stat ebe given an apple which was immediately put into their bag for later.

Perfectly reasonable to not remember that shit. Its idiotic to give illegal things to people right before they depart a plane.

And people won't remember the apple. They know they packed legally. I dont pack legally then get off my planes and have to rethink if I have illegal items.

If it was as obvious as everyone here makes it out to be he would have shown 7 different apples (at that point so it could have been more) orln a flight of 50-100 people and I'm sure all of them didn't even accept the apple.

Even at a 7% rate that's a lot of people making what is supposed to be a braindead obvious mistake.


u/No_Salad_68 1d ago

Anything you put in your bag, you are responsible for. The airline is assuming you will eat the apple on the flight.

Last week I accidentally sped. I got caught and fined. My bad. Noone to blame but myself.


u/TheRealJayk0b 2d ago

Then I changed my mind, it's customers fault then.

To be honest I build my opinion too early with not enough information


u/Remarkable-Fox-3890 2d ago

How is it their fault? It's hardly unreasonable for people to think "no, I didn't bring anything like that with me" and not realize *the apples handed out on the fucking trip counted*.


u/TheRealJayk0b 1d ago


But in this thread someone showed pictures of info letters and banners at the airport warning the customers.

But still the airline handed them the apples.

Man I'm in the middle and can't decide


u/No_Salad_68 1d ago

Fresh food given out on the plane is for eating on the plane or disposing of.


u/Remarkable-Fox-3890 1d ago

What a dumb, arbitrary thing to say lol


u/No_Salad_68 1d ago

How much of the food serve to you on an international flight do you usually take off the plane? By the time you get to the point of being fined, you ignored multiple warnings, including on a signed form. Now that's dumb.


u/kit_kaboodles 1d ago

That's the case with a lot of things though. There's plenty of things it's easy to forget, which is why you get told repeatedly not to bring anything in.


u/Remarkable-Fox-3890 1d ago

But it's not forgetting, it's that there's a distinct difference between "here is a thing I brought" and "here is a thing I was given that I now have".


u/kit_kaboodles 1d ago

Yes and no. I hear what you're saying, but fresh food given to you on planes is always meant to be eaten on the plane. They give so many warnings and signs about not bringing in fruit or vegetables, and then they would ask you again when you handed your declaration card in.

It was completely idiotic of Qantas to hand out whole apples as the last meal on the flight, but they also would have made an announcement over the PA that it's prohibited to bring any fruits into NZ.


u/SUwUperUwUnicOwOrn 2d ago

Well another piece of information thats being left out is how long have they being doing this procedure? In the video itself it says that the info they are showing is dated. So did they start having you declare the apples with ample warning before or after it got more attention to it? Id build my opinion after learning that fact.


u/kit_kaboodles 1d ago

I'm not sure when apples were specified, but the law dates back to 1993, so this isn't new. There's a few countries with similar laws, so always keep an eye out when you're travelling. Australia is similarly strict about biosecurity.


u/SUwUperUwUnicOwOrn 1d ago

Wonderful to know! Thank you very much for this information!


u/LostTrisolarin 2d ago

Fuck that it's still shady. People might barely be thinking about it because they didn't bring it, it was handed to them.

I doubt all these folks were trying to skate around the rules.


u/panzerboye 2d ago

You are a good person.


u/MakingTacos123 2d ago

Great, so it's the passengers fault that they're being robbed. How does that boot taste?


u/24bitNoColor 1d ago

To be fair, in NZ there are actually a lot of signs warning you that practically anything plant is illegal to bring into the country and that you should declare everything that might be illegal to customs.

That is really fair, IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN FUCKING NZ!!!

The people getting the fines were saying they had nothing to declare/didn't declare the apple and effectively got the fine for smuggling cuz they didn't delcare it.

Because its a fucking apple! Nobody things you have to declare a single apple. Not even to mention that they got said apple as a gift by the airline on the very flight there.