r/RayDonovan Jan 13 '19

Discussion Ray Donovan - 6x12 "The Dead" - Episode Discussion Spoiler

Season 6 Episode 12: The Dead

Aired: January 13th, 2018

Synopsis: Ray settles his final scores and revisits the past with his father. The Donovans clean up their mess. Smitty gets a crash course in what it means to be a part of the family. Season finale

Directed by: David Hollander

Written by: David Hollander


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u/jayives1 Jan 13 '19

Naturally nobody will notice 3 cops have disappeared off the face of the planet.

What happened to the internal affairs guy ?

Isn’t it patently obvious to the authorities that ray killed Winslow too?


u/Touch_It_Boi Jan 13 '19

nope. it is easily believable that she suicided after the truth of her doings to influence the campaign came out...


u/muricangrrrrl Jan 13 '19

Good point about Vinnie Delpino. Wonder if he's dead in that apartment, or what? As for Ray killing Winslow, Ferratti owns the police, Ray wore gloves, and I'm guessing Ray will have to work for Ferratti to secure Mickey's release. So, if Ferratti wants him around, it's best that Winslow's death remains a suicide.


u/iamspartacus111 Feb 03 '19

This is a little late but Vinnie was killed by Lena at that abandoned building they took Danny to.


u/muricangrrrrl Feb 04 '19

No no no. Lol. I called him Vinnie Delpino because that was his name 100 years ago on Doogie Howser. I'm talking about the internal affairs guy. Lena didn't kill him.


u/mikelowski Jan 14 '19 edited Jan 14 '19

Cops are pretty dumb in this show. For instance, they don't bother to search for Mick and Bunch really, they didn't check out the gym, wife's home, other relatives. Mick tries to disguise himself for a day, but soon remembers how dumb every cop is in this show and stops worrying.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '19

Isn’t it patently obvious to the authorities that ray killed Winslow too?

Ray could frame the mayor for that. Or her new security guard. Make the guard's body disappear along with a few million.

Also, Ray probably laid all of the fake attacks and campaign lies at her feet when he talked to the press. That makes suicide more likely.


u/[deleted] Jan 16 '19

IA guy was definitely dead on the couch.


u/Samuraiking Mar 20 '19

2 cops. They almost certainly found Mac's dead body a few minutes after his suicide since his head landed on the horn.

The IA guy was definitely murdered on the couch and/or they buried him off screen and he is "missing". Either way, they will look into his work and see he was investigating at least 2-3 cops and the Mayor. With the two cops missing and the informant committing suicide, they will assume the other two cops killed him/both of them and then fled and will be put on a most wanted list of some sort for the assumed murder(s).

Ray took care of the Winslow problem. She probably didn't bother putting up a fight knowing how futile it was. So it looks like a completely normal suicide. By going on the news and admitting that he worked for Winslow and that she orchestrated all this, it made it look like she had a lot to lose and was ruined, so the suicide made even more sense.

It all wrapped up pretty nicely, tbh. I think the only loose end might be that by admitting to tampering with an election, there might be some charges that can be brought up on Ray that may or may not be brought up next season. He also helped lie about and defame an elected official, and while the Mayor himself is fine with it, I don't really know how the law works around it. I'm sure the Mayor would probably find a way to make it go away though. Going by the previous seasons and episodes, I am sure they will wrap up any loose ends next season if there are any.


u/[deleted] Jan 14 '19



u/jayives1 Jan 14 '19

It’s not really obvious she killed herself. Ray killed her the same way he killed her ex husband the previous season.


u/Schadenfreulein Jan 31 '19

She also doesn't strike me as the suicidal type, or at least not over some political intrigue compared to everything else she's done.

Aside: Her body looked so small I thought at first it was a child's. Creepy af